Nodejs command wrapper for Windows HPC Cluster Manager
Submit job to a Windows HPC server from a nodejs application and retrieve files from a working directory.
For now only basic function are implemented: job list, job submit, job cancel(jobId), nodes list and only support local installation.
Edit ./config/winhpcserver.json"
with your information
var win_config = {
"method" : "local",
"username" : "user",
"domain" : "DOMAIN",
"headnode" : "winserver",
"localCopy" : "COPY",
"binariesDir" : "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2\\Bin",
"useSharedDir" : true,
"workingDir" : "c:\\Scratch",
"sharedDir" : "HEADNODE\\\\Scratch"
var winhpcjs = require("./winhpcjs.js")
Generate a submission script with the parameters in jobArgs and save it inside localJobDir
winhpcjs.winscript_js(jobArgs, localJobDir, callback(err,data))
Submit a job with the following submissionScript and send the jobFiles along
winhpcjs.winsub_js(win_config, [submissionScript, jobFiles, ..], callback(err,data))
Gather server information
winhpcjs.winmgr_js(win_config, callback);
Gather node info
winhpcjs.winnodes_js(win_config, nodeName, callback(err,data));
Gather job list
winhpcjs.winjobs_js(win_config, callback(err,data));
Gather job information
winhpcjs.winjobs_js(win_config, jobId, callback(err,data));
List files in working directory
winhpcjs.windir_js(win_config, jobId, callback(err,data));
Download files from a working directory to the localJobDir
winhpcjs.winretrieve_js(win_config, jobId, [jobFiles,..] , localJobDir, callback(err,data))
Cancel a job
winhpcjs.windel_js(win_config, jobId, callback(err,data))
[ { 'Node Name': 'HEADNODE',
State: 'Online',
Max: '2',
Run: '0',
IdleResourceCount: '2',
Availability: 'AlwaysOn' },
{ 'Node Name': 'NODE01',
State: 'Online',
Max: '2',
Run: '0',
IdleResourceCount: '2',
Availability: 'AlwaysOn' } ]
[ { Id: 1,
Owner: 'HPCLOCAL\\Administrator',
Name: 'Test',
State: 'Finished',
Priority: 'Normal' },
{ Id: 54,
Owner: 'HPCLOCAL\\Administrator',
Name: 'Test',
State: 'Finished',
Priority: 'Normal' } ]