Suggested citation: Felipe Santos-Marquez. (2021, March 9). quarcs-lab/Tutorial-synthetic-control-methods-Felipe-thesis-chapter5: v1.0.2 zenodo (Version v1.0.2). Zenodo.
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This repository contains a tutorial to replicate the results of the 5th chapter of my Master Thesis.
The Effect of Conditional Cash Transfer Policies on Crime: Evidence from a Synthetic Controls Framework
In the academic literature, there is not a broad agreement on the relationship between violent crime and the expansion of conditional cash transfer programs. This chapter sheds some light onto the impact that the largest of these type of programs has on homicide rates in Colombian municipalities. The causality link is exposed using synthetic control methods. This study is focalised in one of the most violent regions in the country, the Pacific region. The results suggest that when accounting for variance instability, the homicide rates in treated regions are lower than their synthetic control counterparts. Also, placebo studies are performed to evaluate the significance of the results. On average, the effects of the conditional cash transfer program on homicide rates are reported to be significant at a 5% level. The chapter concludes with a discussion of future research that can be conducted on the impact of social welfare on other types of crimes, and another robustness checks that can be performed to test the findings of this chapter.
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