Utilities around monos. Needs io.projectreactor:reactor-core.
Mono<Optional<T>> example(Mono<T> mono) {
return mono.transform(MoreMonos::toOptional);
Utilities around functions.
Consumer<T> example() {
return throwableConsumer(x -> {
throw new Exception();
Function<T, R> example() {
return throwableFunction(x -> {
throw new Exception();
Supplier<R> example() {
return throwableSupplier(() -> {
throw new Exception();
Predicate<T> example() {
return throwablePredicate(x -> {
throw new Exception();
BiConsumer<T1, T2> example() {
return throwableBiConsumer((x, y) -> {
throw new Exception();
BiFunction<T1, T2, R> example() {
return throwableBiFunction((x, y) -> {
throw new Exception();
BiPredicate<T1, T2> example() {
return throwableBiPredicate((x, y) -> {
throw new Exception();
Utilities around tuples. Needs io.projectreactor:reactor-core.
Flux<Tuple2<T1, T2>> example(Mono<Map<T1, T2>> map) {
return map
Tuple2<Integer, Integer> example() {
return MoreTuples.fromArray(new Integer[]{1, 2});
Mono<Integer> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.map(MoreTuples::left);
Mono<String> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.map(MoreTuples::right);
Mono<String> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.map(onBoth((i, s) -> s + i));
Mono<String> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.flatMap(onBoth((i, s) -> Mono.just(s + i)));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.map(onLeft(i -> i + 1));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.flatMap(onLeftWhen(i -> Mono.just(i + 1)));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.map(onRight(s -> s + "bar"));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.flatMap(onRightWhen(s -> Mono.just(s + "bar")));
Mono<Tuple2<String, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> mono) {
return mono.map(onEach(Object::toString));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> mono) {
return mono.filter(ifEach(i -> 0 < i));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> mono) {
return mono.filter(ifEither(i -> 0 < i));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.filter(ifLeft(i -> 0 < i));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.filter(ifRight("foobar"::equals));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.filter(ifBoth((i, s) -> "foo42".equals(s + i)));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.filterWhen(fromLeft(i -> Mono.just(0 < i)));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.filterWhen(fromRight(s -> Mono.just("foobar".equals(s))));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.filterWhen(onBoth((i, s) -> Mono.just("foo42".equals(s + i))));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.doOnNext(takeLeft(i -> log.debug("i:{}", i)));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.doOnNext(takeRight(s -> log.debug("s:{}", s)));
Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> example(Mono<Tuple2<Integer, String>> mono) {
return mono.doOnNext(takeBoth((i, s) -> log.debug("i:{} s:{}", i, s)));
Utilities around collectors:
: collects into aLinkedHashMap
: collects into an unmodifiableLinkedHashMap
: collects into aTreeMap
: collects into an unmodifiableTreeMap
: collects into aLinkedHashSet
: collects into an unmodifiableLinkedHashSet
: collects into aTreeSet
: collects into an unmodifiableTreeSet
: groups into an unmodifiable map,#partitioningByUnmodifiable(...)
: partitions into an unmodifiable map,#throwingMerger(...)
: throws an exception (useful when a merger is expected by the API but won't ever get called).
Utilities around comparables to avoid dealing with the result of compareTo
T leastBetween(T a, T b)
T greatestBetween(T a, T b)
boolean isLessThan(T a, T b)
boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(T a, T b)
boolean isGreaterThan(T a, T b)
boolean isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(T a, T b)
Utilities around intervals such as enclosing/merging/subtracting.
Needs com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind.
: returns a new preconfiguredObjectMapper
Utilities around RSA and OpenSSH. Needs org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on.