Im current working on a node module builder, where you build the action for the account.
Se it here:
Just run ´npm install´ in the root folder, set global chance in ´config.js´ file. and then ´node main´
- add bot
- remove bot
- edit basic bot setting.
- Set Persona State
- start
- stop
- start idle
- you can select from each game the account own.
- set new idle
- stop idle
- see list of idling games
- hide all behind a login.
- only access if you have login, via the pass set in config file.
- run scripts modules.
- chat system
- friends request
- updated stored account data.
- and more
A simple but powerfuld module system have been added.
a short description of how it works.
each module need to be placed in a folder in the "Modules" folder.
Each folder is a module.
In the module folder, there must be a "package.json", whit the following properties
"name": "testmodule", // the make, it will show in the module page
"version": "1.0.0", // the version of the module. at the moment it is not used, but shoud be at a later date
"description": "", // a description of what it is
"main": "main.js" // what file is the module ( where it will execute the module )
Then in the main file, eks "main.js" it must have the following
var helper = require('../moduleHelper');
module.exports = {
Mode: helper.mode.sinkel, // this must be one of the enums in 'helper.mode' it defindes how it will be showen. if only for one account a the time or more.
Execute: function(objectToEdit, steamClient, RequestCommunity, RequestStore, SessionID, options){
// must be a promise, the action that will be runed for each account
but it can also have the following fields:
fields: { // if you what to show some user input fields in the web, then defined them here.
customURL: {// this is the name of the key in the object that BeforeShowUserField returns, where the value will be stored
type: helper.field.type.text, // what type the field is, text box or that
text: "Custom url", // the showen text next to the field
description: "Your profile will eks be available at......" // not mandatory, but if set, it will be showen under the field
BeforeShowUserField: function(steamClient, RequestCommunity, RequestStore, SessionID, options){
// this is do somfing before you send field to web gui, and before Execute
// this must be a promise, and the promise must return a obj, whit the thing that each account shoud have in the Execute.
// the obj that this return, will be send to the web gui, and the field, will set the value to the keys, of this obj.
// then that obj will be passed in "Execute" as "objectToEdit"
i have made a test module, that mirrow the module in '', you can see it in the "Modules" folder.
there will be a more detailed guide, at a later point.
this is a web client, where it do calles whit ajax to the server. and as right now. there is not check serverside that the call it get is valid, ( if you use the web panel it will work as it shoud) this means if some one make manuel call to the end point i can crash the node project. This shoud be fix later on. But is shoud be safe to use, as all endpint have been hidden behind a login. when you have loged in, then all endpint and menues can be uses. until signin, the endpoints just return "{status: true, message: "not login"}" And if 2 ore more start module on account that do not run. as it might get to a point where, both, make the bot starte, and stop.