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The Quinoa ASCII art logo, displayed above, has been generated at http://picascii.com, based on the Xfig image, doc/images/quinoa.fig displayed at https://quinoacomputing.github.io.
The ASCII art logos of the executable names, e.g., at https://quinoacomputing.github.io/inciter_main.html, have been generated at http://patorjk.com/software/taag using the default settings:
- Font: Graffiti
- Character width: default
- Character height: default
The ASCII art logos in SVG format, to display them on HTML pages, e.g., at https://quinoacomputing.github.io/inciter_main.html, have been generated by LaTeX, using doc/txt2pdf, yielding a PDF which then was converted to SVG using pdf2svg as
cd doc/txt2pdf/
make pdf
pdf2svg txt2pdf.pdf <executable>.svg
- blue: 1d3564
- dark orange: c96a00
- light orange: ce6861c