0.8.1: Alphascape Timelines and Triggers (part 1)
- o9s, o10s, o11s timelines
- o9s, o10s, o11s basic triggers
- Suzaku Extreme timeline and triggers
Suzaku is well-tested, but the other triggers and timelines are less tested and may be incorrect. Sorry about any mistakes. Please file issues if you see anything. More triggers and timelines will be coming as time permits.
As always, you can point your raidboss at http://quisquous.github.io/cactbot/ui/raidboss/raidboss.html instead of local files to use the latest version as it's committed. (This may break at some point when there are plugin changes, but can be good if you want to use new versions before releases.)
Also huge thanks to @xephero for timeline contributions (as always), and to @unfaiyted for o9s triggers. Thanks!