This plugin copies the application, its dependencies and a startup script to a remote host.
The directory structure is similar to Capistrano:
– link to the latest release directoryreleases
– dependency JARs${name}_${scalaVersion}-${version}.jar
– main application JAR${name}
– startup script
The startup script starts the application in the foreground.
Add to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("fi.onesto.sbt" % "sbt-mobilizer" % "0.2.0")
Enable the plugin according the SBT documentation.
An example:
lazy val myProject = (project in file("."))
Then add this to your build.sbt
// If there's some kind of revision information available, you can store it into
// the application's root directory as a REVISION file.
deployRevision := Option("1234")
// You can use, for example to get a revision identifier:
//deployRevision := decoratedBuildNumber.value
// Define deployment environments.
import fi.onesto.sbt.mobilizer.DeploymentEnvironment
deployEnvironments := Map(
'staging -> DeploymentEnvironment(
hosts = Seq(""),
rootDirectory = "/opt/myapp"),
'production -> DeploymentEnvironment(
hosts = Seq(""),
rootDirectory = "/opt/myapp"))
See DeploymentEnvironment.scala for a list of all settings and defaults.
To deploy your code use following syntax:
sbt "deploy <environment name>"
For example:
sbt "deploy production"