Projet de compilation de langage StenC CMI M1S1 2017-2018
plan : V Sprint.MAJ.Update
Configure your git commit :
git config --global core.editor "nano"
git config --global "username"
git config --global ""
- Expression Arithmétique: - * / ++ -- moins unaire
- Operateur stencil: $
- Structure de controle: && || >= > < <= ! if else
- Boucle: for while
- Type: stencil, int , int[dim][dim2]...
- Affichage: printf printi
- return
Commit Style with git commit :
(pref): Little explicite description #issueNumberReleated
Commentaire to explain more precisly
4 types of prefix :
- (feat) : Add a feature #issueNumber
- (test) : Add a test #issueNumber
- (refactor) : Explain the refactor #issueNumber
- (Debug): Explain the debugging #issueNumber
-This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details