A tool to translate your desktop application to several languages.
It is just a wrapper for R18n core library. See R18n documentation for more information.
- Nice Ruby-style syntax.
- Filters.
- Model Translation (or any Ruby object).
- Auto-detect user locales.
- Flexible locales.
- Total flexibility.
See full features in main README.
Create translations dir. For example:
. -
Add file with translation to
with language code in file name (for example,en.yml
for English oren-us.yml
USA English dialect). For example,./i18n/en.yml
:file: add: Add file delete: Delete file %1 files: !!pl 0: No files 1: One file n: '%1 files'
Add R18n to your application:
require 'r18n-desktop'
Load I18n object:
User can set the locale manually:
R18n.from_env('i18n/', manual_locale)
Include mixin to use helpers:
include R18n::Helpers
Use translation messages to user. For example:
t.file.add #=> "Add file" t.file.delete('Test') #=> "Delete file Test" t.files(1) #=> "One file" t.files(12) #=> "12 files" l -12000.5 #=> "−12,000.5" l Time.now #=> "2009-08-09 21:41" l Time.now, :human #=> "now" l Time.now, :full #=> "August 9th, 2009 21:41" # Base translation t.ok #=> "OK" t.cancel #=> "Cancel"
You can print user locale or available locales:
"Your locale: " + r18n.locale.title "Select another: " + r18n.available_locales.map { |i| i.title }.join(', ')
R18n is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. You can read it in LICENSE file or in www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
Andrey “A.I.” Sitnik andrey@sitnik.ru