Requirments: python-paramiko
Deity is a kippo plugin that identifies dictionary attacks against it then issues the same attack against the attacker. After it gains access it can execute additional commands. Kippo by default does not have any sorta plugin interface. So we just backpack on the logger interface
Kippo: Is a ssh honeypot
Copy into kippo/dblog. Added the following lines to your
Note: commands.dat is commands seperated by new lines
# Logfile
logfile = deity.log
# Amount of time to wait for connections (in seconds)
timeoutTime = 5
# Amount of failed attempts before attack
threshhold = 3
# To enable command file support uncomment to two lines below
# commandFile is the location of the file to read and execute
#commandFile = commands.dat
#commandFileVerbose = True
# To enable the sshScanner change below to true
sshScanner = False
sshScanRangeStart = 1
sshScanRangeEnd = 200
#Below hasn't been implemented
# Save successful loggin to seperate file
successLog = False