Standard pretrained based Entity extraction and custom Entity extraction using SpaCy. Entities can be extracted from text using SpaCy are:
Type Description
PERSON People, including fictional.
NORP Nationalities or religious or political groups.
FAC Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc.
ORG Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.
GPE Countries, cities, states.
LOC Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water.
PRODUCT Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.)
EVENT Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.
WORK_OF_ART Titles of books, songs, etc.
LAW Named documents made into laws.
LANGUAGE Any named language.
DATE Absolute or relative dates or periods.
TIME Times smaller than a day.
PERCENT Percentage, including "%".
MONEY Monetary values, including unit.
QUANTITY Measurements, as of weight or distance.
ORDINAL "first", "second", etc.
CARDINAL Numerals that do not fall under another type.
Requirment: spaCy pathlib
Reference: usage
sample training data
("Horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
("Do they bite?", {
'entities': []
("horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
("horses pretend to care about your feelings", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
("they pretend to care about your feelings, those horses", {
'entities': [(48, 54, 'ANIMAL')]
("horses?", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
use atleast 100 samples of data for each lable to get accuracy from the model.
from extract import entity
entity = entity()
To get standard entities results
text = "sample text"
ent = entity.default(text)
training model
t_data = "training sample data"
label = "sample label"
ent = entity.trainModel(label= label, data = t_data)
testing model
text = "sample text"
ent = entity.load_model(test_text = text)