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Billing Management Web

Rabab El Amerany Project

Web solution aimed at optimizing the efficiency of internal services, the relationship with corporate customers and their partners with Angular, Core .NET, Chart.js, Advanced Pie Chart, angular-calendar, bootstrap, ionic, Sql, iTextSharp, c#, EntityFrameworkCore, Linq, AutoMapper, SmartGit, MariaDB…….

Built With

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⚠️ Prerequisites

This command has the following prerequisites:

  • Git (execute git --version to check your version)
  • Angular project created via Angular CLI v8.0.0 or greater (execute ng update to upgrade your project if necessary)
  • older Angular projects can still use the standalone program.

🚀 Installation

You can instruct your audience on installing and setting up your app

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install the app by running from the project root:
    npm install
  3. Running application
    ng serve --o
  4. Don't forget to run the api project.

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Rabab El Amerany -

Project Link:

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