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Project 4

Zi Xin | Rachel | David | Xavier

Predicting presence of West Nile Virus in mosquitos


West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that flares up during mosquito season from summer to early fall. It first emerged in the eastern U.S. in 1999, and has now become the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the continental U.S. [1]

WNV is most commonly spread to humans through infected mosquitos, usually of the genus Culex. [2] In most cases, WNV infection does not cause symptoms, but up to 20% of people who become infected with the virus develop symptoms ranging from a persistent fever, to serious neurological illnesses that can result in death. Currently, there is no human vaccine against WNV and prevention of the illness in humans is based on mosquito control. [3]

In 2002, WNV first hit Chicago with 225 human cases reported that summer. In response, the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) implemented city‐wide surveillance and mosquito control measures, which resulted in a dramatic decline of human cases in subsequent years. Chicago continues to have one of the most ro‐ bust urban mosquito control programs in the country. [4]

Problem Statement

The goal of this project is to assist the City of Chicago a.k.a Windy City and the CDPH in developing a model that can accurately predict when and where different species of mosquitos will test positive for WNV and identify the factors that are the strongest predictors of WNV presence.

If outbreaks of WNV in mosquitos can be reliably predicted, the City of Chicago and CPHD will be able to more efficiently and effectively coordinate resources towards preventing transmission of this potentially deadly virus.

Problem Approach

Predicting the presence of WNV is a binary classification problem. To that end, we tested several classification models listed below using a total of 66 feature variables. The evaluation metrics used will be AUC score and sensitivity (recall).

  • Logistic regression
  • Support vector machine
  • Bagged decision trees
  • Extra trees
  • Random forest
  • AdaBoost
  • Gradient boosting
  • XGBoost

Conclusion and Recommendations

In this analysis, we explored the performance of several models in predicting the presence of WNV in mosquitos. Using AUC score and sensitivity as our main evaluation metrics, the Random Forest classifier, which obtained an AUC score of 0.846 and sensitivity of 0.819, was selected as the final production model.

As seen from the model's top 20 features, factors related to seasonality, weather, location and mosquito species are highly important in predicting the presence of WNV. In particular, seasonality and weather-related features play the biggest role as they made up the majority of the top 20 features. This aligns with the fact the WNV is a seasonal virus that emerges during summer as hot temperatures favour mosquito-breeding.

In our cost-benefit analysis of mosquito spraying, we found that spraying seems to be inversely correlated with WNV incidence. However, we do not have sufficient data at hand to quantify the effectiveness of spraying and thus cannot form a strong conclusion on whether the benefits of spraying are justified by its costs. Furthermore, it is difficult to isolate the effects of spraying as the spread of WNV is also influenced by other variables such as geographical location and weather.

Whilst mosquito spraying certainly has its benefits, it is best for the CDPH to take a multi-pronged approach in tackling WNV. CDPH could drive educational campaigns to teach the community how they can help to prevent mosquito breeding in their homes. For example, ensuring that they remove all standing water so that mosquitos will not lay their eggs there.

For spraying, since WNV incidence is the highest in August, spraying efforts should be concentrated in August for greatest effect.

Data description

Train/Test Data (split into separate train and validation sets for modelling) – Every week from late spring through the fall, mosquitos in traps across the city are tested for presence of WNV. These test results are summarised by date from May 2007 to Oct 2014, trap, and species. Location data is also provided for all the traps.

Train Data consist of information for 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013, while Test Data consist of information for 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014.

Spray Data – Data is provided for the locations where the City of Chicago did mosquito spraying in 2011 and 2013. Spraying can reduce the number of mosquitos in the area, and therefore might eliminate the appearance of WNV.

Weather data – Daily weather records are provided for the period 2007 to 2014 from 2 weather stations. Hot and dry weather conditions are conducive for a seasonal virus like WNV, and it is worth using weather data to improve the prediction of WNV presence.

Data dictionary

Feature Variable type Datatype Dataset Description
Id Norminal int64 test the id of the record
Date datetime datetime train and test date that the WNV test is performed
Address Norminal object train and test approximate address of the location of trap
Species Norminal object train and test species of mosquito
Block Norminal int64 train and test block number of address
Street Norminal object train and test Street name
Trap Norminal object train and test Id of the trap
AddressNumberAndStreet Norminal object train and test approximate address returned from GeoCoder
Latitude continuous float64 train and test Latitude returned from GeoCoder
Longitude continuous float64 train and test Longitude returned from GeoCoder
AddressAccuracy Norminal int64 train and test accuracy returned from GeoCoder
NumMosquitos discrete int64 train and test number of mosquitoes caught in this trap
WnvPresent discrete int64 train and test 1 means WNV is present, and 0 means not present.
Station discrete int64 weather Station 1 or 2 where weather data is collected
Date datetime datetime weather Date of weather record
Tmax discrete int64 weather Max temperature in Fahrenheit
Tmin discrete int64 weather Min temperature in Fahrenheit
Tavg continuous float64 weather Avg temperature in Fahrenheit
Depart discrete float64 weather The difference from normal temperatures for the last 30yrs
DewPoint discrete int64 weather Dew Point temperature
WetBulb discrete int64 weather Web Bulb temperature
Heat continuous float64 weather Difference between daily avg temperature and 65 Deg F
Cool continuous float64 weather Difference between daily avg temperature and 65 Deg F
Sunrise datetime datetime weather Sunrise timing
Sunset datetime datetime weather Sunset timing
CodeSum norminal object weather Weather Phenomena
Depth continuous float64 weather Snow inches
Water1 continuous float64 weather Snow/Ice on ground
SnowFall continuous float64 weather Snowfall in inches
PrecipTotal continuous float64 weather Rainfall and melted snow (inches)
StnPressure continuous float64 weather Avg Station Pressure
SeaLevel continuous float64 weather Avg Sea level Presure
ResultSpeed continuous float64 weather Resultant Wind Speed
ResultDir continuous int64 weather Resultant Wind Direction
AvgSpeed continuous float64 weather Avg WInd Speed
Date datetime datetime spray Date of the spray
Time datetime datetime spray Time of the spray
Latitude continuous float64 spray Latitude of the spray
Longitude continuous float64 spray Latitude of the spray
year discrete int64 engineered feature year corresponding in train data
month discrete int64 engineered feature month corresponding in train data
weekofyear discrete int64 engineered feature week of the year corresponding in train data
yearmonth norminal object engineered feature yearmonth string corresponding in train data
weekday discrete int64 engineered feature weekday corresponding in train data
closest_station discrete int64 engineered feature the closer weather station to each trap
row_count discrete int64 engineered feature number of "duplicate" rowsto get an estimate for nummosquitos
intensity_acc continuous float64 engineered feature calculates the "intensity" of a spray for each observation in the train dataset
daytime discrete int32 engineered feature total number of minutes from Sunrise to Sunset
trap_weight continuous float64 engineered feature weightage of the trap based on Wnvpresent/no. of times sampled
rhumidity continuous float64 engineered feature relative humidity derived from dewpoint and tavg
tavg_7/10/14/30/60/90 continuous float64 engineered feature Rolling temp averages for 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90 days
resultspeed_7/10/14/30/60/90 continuous float64 engineered feature Rolling wind speed averages for 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90 days
dewpoint_7/10/14/30/60/90 continuous float64 engineered feature Rolling dewpoint averages for 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90 days
rhumidity_7/10/14/30/60/90 continuous float64 engineered feature Rolling relative humidity averages for 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90 days
tmax_7/10/14/30/60/90 continuous float64 engineered feature Rolling max temp averages for 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90 days
tmin_7/10/14/30/60/90 continuous float64 engineered feature Rolling min temp averages for 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90 days
preciptotal_7/10/14/30/60/90 continuous float64 engineered feature Rolling preciptotal averages for 7, 10, 14, 30, 60, 90 days


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