This is a basic repository of software modules (meaning lua files, which basically add a folder with a software’s executable to your path).
To use it you need to include the following line in your .bashrc
, or a separate .modules
file (details below)
module use /share/PI/langlotz/software/modules
Then you can activate a module like:
module load anaconda3
to verify that it works type:
$ which python
To ensure that a specific software is always loaded, I would recommend creating a file called .modules in your home directory:
$ cd $HOME
touch .modules
echo “module use /share/PI/langlotz/software/modules” >> .modules
echo “module load anaconda3” >> .modules
And then source that file in your .bashrc or .bash_profile
echo “source $HOME/.modules” >> $HOME/.bash_profile
You can also load them as needed.
- python stack (anaconda2) and (anaconda3)
- rmate (for file remote editing over ssh; see:
pip install --user <package>