This is a template for building and statically exporting your
Next.js 14 application and running it on
Fermyon Spin
First, you need to tell the Spin CLI where to get the template:
$ spin templates install --git
Copying remote template source
Installing template nextjs-frontend...
Installed 1 template
| Name Description |
| nextjs-frontend Simple front-end using Next.js |
Then, you can either create a new application based on this template:
$ spin new -t nextjs-frontend my-nextjs-app
# your new application has been created in the my-nextjs-app directory
Alternatively, you can add a new component based on this template to an existing Spin application:
# first, create a new Spin application
$ spin new -t http-empty my-spin-app --accept-defaults && cd my-spin-app
$ spin add -t nextjs-frontend --accept-defaults
Before you can build your Next.js application, make sure to run npm install
the target directory. You are now ready to start building your front-end. Run
npm run dev
and start editing your application. Alternatively, you can run
spin build
and spin up
to build and run your application.
Use another Spin template to build your serverless back-end and call it from your newly-built front-end. For example:
$ spin add -t http-ts api
# a new Spin component called `api` has now been created in your application
$ spin build && spin up
Available Routes:
web: (wildcard)
api: (wildcard)
Using a free Fermyon Cloud account, you can deploy your serverless WebAssembly applications and get a public URL:
$ spin deploy
# your application will now be available at a * URL
The Next.js template is based on the official Next.js template.