This is an attempt of producing a sane and well-explained tiny code to show how to use (minimally)
into Linux kernel crypto api
. Instead of wasting hours grasping into code that
does not matter directly to your task.
I have waste some time on it and I hope you waste less of your time from now on.
"A good idea is an orphan without effective communication" -- Andrew Hunt, The Pragmatic Programmer.
Have you found issues? Please, let me know and thank you!
_ git clone
All code is within src
cd src
If the build has succeeded you will got aes-gcm-min-sample.ko
It is just about inserting the produced LKM
. Supposing your cwd
is the src
_ insmod ./aes-gcm-min-sample.ko
Watch the results by executing dmesg
If the encryption and decryption was done, the kernel module has inserted, so you need to remove it:
_ rmmod aes-gcm-min-sample
So folks, that's all! I hope it be useful and saves your time ;)