- Simple twitch bot made with Go - Study purpose
- I'm following the official Twitch Chatbot Docs
- AuthToken
- Application Architecture
- Docker
- Stablish a Bot
- IRC Connection
- Commands
- Database (JSON)
- Develop API
- Establish API base
- Context
- Logger (uber-zap)
- WebFramework (fiber)
- ORM/DB Connection (GORM)
- Define DB
- SQL - PostgreSQL
- Write Migrations
- Define Entities
- SQL - PostgreSQL
- Establish API base
- Study the difference between:
- RabbitMQ and Kafka
- HTTP and gRPC
- Up Kafka using Docker
- Implement the communication between API and Kafka/RabbitMQ
- Produce - Kafka
- Queue Manager
- Create microservice
- Implement the communication between API and Kafka/RabbitMQ
- Implement Redis
- Consume - RabbitMQ/Kafka
- Insert/Update/Delete Redis rows
- Auth Service
- Implement Redis
- Communicate with Auth Service
- Add middleware
- Update Migrations
- Local deploy Docker
- Front-end
- Choose one
- React (with Rescript)
- Vue
- Svelte <- more likely
- OAuth
- Choose one
- Prometheus
- noSQL - Redis
- Define an Entity
- Define key layout
- [stream][user]
- Implement HealthCheck