This project is a comprehensive Backend designed for a car rental service. It includes a robust API for managing clients, reservations, accessory rentals, and vehicle groups. The system integrates with the Stripe payment gateway to facilitate secure online transactions. Additionally, it features a microservices architecture to handle email communication efficiently, using message queues to ensure reliability and scalability.
Spring Boot: Framework for developing Java applications.
Spring AMQP (RabbitMQ): Integration with RabbitMQ for asynchronous email sending.
JUnit 5: Unit and integration testing.
Stripe API: Integration with the Stripe API for payment processing.
SpringDoc OpenAPI: API documented with SpringDoc OpenAPI Swagger.
NGINX: Web server and reverse proxy.
Docker: Services use Docker containers for their lifecycle.
Authentication and Authorization: User authentication and role-based authorization (ADMIN, MANAGER, and USER).
Reservation Management: Register and manage accessory reservations for individuals or vehicle groups.
Person Management: Create, list, update, and delete information about individuals, including clients and employees.
Accessory Management: Create, list, update, and delete accessories available for rental.
Vehicle Group Management: Create, list, update, and delete vehicle groups.
Stripe Integration: Allows users to pay for reservations using credit/debit cards through Stripe.
The system includes a microservice for sending emails, utilizing queues for asynchronous processing and ensuring email delivery. The microservice is responsible for:
Asynchronous Email Sending: Sending emails asynchronously to avoid blocking during the execution of other tasks.
Failure Handling: Robust and efficient handling of email sending failures.
RabbitMQ Configuration: Using RabbitMQ for queue management and ensuring email delivery.
Uses Cloud AMQP: Provides cloud-hosted messaging infrastructure, ensuring high availability, scalability, and performance for RabbitMQ queues.
Clone the Repository
git clone <repository-url>
Configure the environment variables in application-properties
Backend setup
- Build and run Docker containers
docker compose up -d