This repository contains 2 projects about Unsupervised Learning.
Files UL_Clustering&DR.Rmd and UL_Clustering-DR.html are about project named "Algorithm for detecting combine harvester manufacturer using clustering and dimension reduction"
Short description:
Clustering and dimension reduction are powerful tools which are hugely helpful in work with data. They are often used in studies associated with images. It is fascinating how these tools are used to gain information from pictures. This fascination was the main reason why I decided to perform image clustering and dimension reduction. For this purpose I created algorithm for detecting combine harvester manufacturer using mentioned tools. In this study I call it manufacturer detecting algorithm. This algorithm is based on detecting the color of the vehicle. In farming machines industry every manufacturer has his own color for painting machines (for example Massey Ferguson combine harvesters are red and black, Bizon combine harvesters are blue). This is why it is possible to detect combine harvester manufacturer using only the color of the machine. Nowadays there is possibility to buy machine in different color than recommended but it is additionally paid and rarely available. I want to mention that the main goal of this study is to check usage of clustering and dimension reduction in images (not to create the most correctly algorithm for detecting manufacturer), therefore this algorithm is basic and unreliable. For this reason I do not recommend to use it in other studies.
Files UL_AR.Rmd and UL_AR.html are about project named "Association rules for bakery"
Short description:
Association rules are methods used for exploring relationships between data. They are highly useful in companies, because by them companies may take advantage of consumer data and use it to examine consumer behavior. Greater knowledge about consumer can be used to reach higher profits. In this paper I will find association rules which are typical for bakery customers. Dataset, which contains data about transactions in bakery, was downloaded from
Creation date: 01.2021