This is a simple, easy to use access control (ACL) package for laravel.
Package page:
Before starting, you need to make sure that the database access settings are configured.
In your terminal just use the command line below.
composer require confrariaweb/laravel-acl
After the installation is complete, add the following item to the array at app/http/kernel.php array $routeMiddleware.
'check.permission' => \ConfrariaWeb\Acl\Middleware\CheckPermission::class,
The next configuration step you should only use if you are not using the "confrariaweb / laravel-user" package, if you are using this package there is no need to implement the configuration below as it is already included in the "laravel-user" package.
class User extends Authenticatable
//add this call to the application's user model
use \ConfrariaWeb\Acl\Traits\AclTrait;
The next step is to place the configuration file in the "/config" directory.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ConfrariaWeb\Acl\Providers\AclServiceProvider"
We are almost there, the next commands are to restructure the configuration cache and run the migration of the tables respectively. At the command terminal, type the following commands.
php artisan config:cache
php artisan migrate
Optional: You can run the command below to create some items in the database, it is not mandatory and you can still modify them later if you find it convenient.
php artisan db:seed
Performing the above procedure the package is already available for use.
This package can be used at different points in your application.
To use the middleware, it uses the route name as a permission parameter. In the example below it checks if the user has the 'admin.profile' permission to access the route.
Route::get('admin/profile', function () {
The proper way to use access control on controllers is as follows.
abort_unless(Auth::user()->hasRole('name-role'), 403);
abort_unless(Auth::user()->hasPermission('name-permission'), 403);
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class HomeController extends Controller
public function index()
/*Here we check if the user is included in the roles of editing users*/
abort_unless(Auth::user()->hasRole('edit-user'), 403);
return view('home');
To do version control in views (.blade) you can use control by roles or permissions.
<p>this content is only visible to those who have permission...</p>
<p>this content is only visible to those who have permission...</p>
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.