A doc platform where organisation can keep all work related docs in single place.
A login and register page with security and password encryption enabled doc platform and forgot password feature.
A dashboard to create and delete workspaces.
Users can upload any notes/text files from their computer to any workspace.
File deletion feature is provided in each workspace.
View the project status by following steps :
- Clone the repo
- Navigate to the directory
- Launch terminal and type
npm install
Now a folder will be created with name, node modules, then type
node app.js
Also you can use nodemon for your ease, click here to download nodemon, once downloaded, go to the terminal, type the given below command
nodemon app.js
- Go to your browser
- Go to http://localhost:3000/
- Front-End : EJS, CSS, Bootstrap
- Back-End : NodeJS
- Database : MongoDB
- Other tools and platforms :
i) Used Heroku for CI/CD deployment
ii) Atlas for hosting databse
iii) Balsamiq cloud tool to design pages