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Automatic namespace detection for kubectl commands


Are you frustrated by having to specify the namespace for every kubectl command?

Do you wish you could just run commands like kubectl get pod my-pod and not worry about specifying the namespace?

Now you can 📬

Getting started

Installation with Krew

  1. Make sure you have Krew Installed
  2. Run kubectl krew install autons
  3. You're ready to go! Run kubectl autons <command> and never worry about namespaces again!

Manual Installation

  1. Download the latest release for your platform from github releases or build the binary from source with go build
  2. Make sure to rename the binary name to kubectl-autons and that it is executable
  3. Move the binary to a directory in your PATH
  4. You're ready to go! Run kubectl autons <command> and never worry about namespaces again!

Some Examples

kubectl autons describe pod my-pod
kubectl autons describe pod/my-pod
kubectl autons logs my-pod
kubectl autons port-forward my-pod 8080:8080
kubectl autons port-forward svc/my-svc 8080:8080