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rahatyeasinemon edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 3 revisions


# The coding description of my research paper

# Kotlin

# Android Image processing

# Nudity

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

// Get checkNudity from imageView


fun classifySkin(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int): Boolean {

    var rgbClassifier = ((r > 95) && (g > 40) && (b > 20)
            && (Math.abs(r - g) > 15) && (r > g) && (r > b))

    var hsv = FloatArray(3)
    var currentColor = Color.rgb(r, g, b)
    Color.colorToHSV(currentColor, hsv)
    var h = hsv[0]
    var s = hsv[1]

    var hsvClassifier = (h >= 0 && h <= 50 && s >= 0.23 && s <= 0.78)

    return ((rgbClassifier && hsvClassifier))

fun checkNudity(imageView: ImageView) {

    var cnt = 0

    //Get image bitmap from Imageview
    var bitmapImage = (imageView.drawable as BitmapDrawable).bitmap

// Resize large image to speed up detection process

    if (bitmapImage.width >= bitmapImage.height && bitmapImage.width > 1000) {
        var th = bitmapImage.height / bitmapImage.width.toFloat()
        bitmapImage = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapImage, (1000).toInt(), (1000 * th).toInt(), true)
    } else if (bitmapImage.height > bitmapImage.width && bitmapImage.height > 1000) {
        var th = bitmapImage.width / bitmapImage.height.toFloat()
        bitmapImage = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapImage, (1000 * th).toInt(), (1000).toInt(), true)

    var bm = bitmapImage.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true)

    var t = 0

    val tempBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmapImage.width, bitmapImage.height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565)
    val tempCanvas = Canvas(tempBitmap)
    tempCanvas.drawBitmap(bitmapImage, 0f, 0f, null)
    val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(applicationContext).setTrackingEnabled(false)
    if (!faceDetector.isOperational()) {
        AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage("Could not set up the face detector!").show()
        // return false
    val frame = Frame.Builder().setBitmap(bitmapImage).build()
    val faces = faceDetector.detect(frame)

    for (i in 0 until faces.size()) {
        val thisFace = faces.valueAt(i)
        var x1 = thisFace.position.x.toInt()
        var y1 = thisFace.position.y.toInt()
        val x2 = x1 + thisFace.width.toInt()
        val y2 = y1 + thisFace.height.toInt()

        for (i1 in x1 until x2 + 1) {
            for (j1 in y1 until y2 + 1) {
                // Grab pixel description from bitmap image
                val pixel = bitmapImage.getPixel(i1, j1)
                val r =
                val b =
                val g =
                var a = Color.alpha(pixel)

// Detect skin pixels in faces region if (classifySkin(r, g, b)) { facePixel++ } } } } bm = BitmapDrawable(resources, tempBitmap).bitmap

    for (x in 0 until bitmapImage.width) {

        for (y in 0 until bitmapImage.height) {

            val pixel = bitmapImage.getPixel(x, y)
            val r =
            val b =
            val g =
            var a = Color.alpha(pixel)
            // Detect skin pixels in overall image
            if (classifySkin(r, g, b)) {
                bm.setPixel(x, y, Color.rgb((t + 101) % 255, (10 + t) % 255, (110 + t) % 255))


    println("total skin pixel in face $facePixel")
    println("total skin pixel in overall image $skinPixel")

var facePixel = 0
var skinPixel = 0
