Welcome to the Heart Disease Prediction API, a Flask-based microservice designed to predict the likelihood of heart disease using a machine learning model. This project is powered by Random Forest Classification, and the model has been trained on clinical patient data.
✅ Predicts heart disease risk using real clinical parameters
✅ RESTful API built with Flask
✅ Machine Learning Model trained using Random Forest Classifier
✅ Scalable Deployment using Gunicorn & Flask-RESTful
✅ Preprocessed Input Data with StandardScaler
✅ Interactive Frontend Form for easy predictions
📂 flask-heart-disease-api
│-- 📂 static # Static assets (CSS, JS, images)
│-- 📂 templates # Frontend HTML files
│-- 📄 app.py # Main Flask API
│-- 📄 train_model.py # Script to train & save ML model
│-- 📄 requirements.txt # Dependencies
│-- 📄 README.md # Project documentation
│-- 📄 heart.csv # Dataset used for training
│-- 📄 model.pkl # Trained ML model
│-- 📄 scaler.pkl # Standard Scaler object
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/flask-heart-disease-api.git
cd flask-heart-disease-api
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On macOS/Linux
venv\Scripts\activate # On Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
By default, the API runs at
Endpoint: /predict
Content-Type: application/json
"age": 55,
"sex": 1,
"cp": 2,
"trestbps": 130,
"chol": 250,
"fbs": 0,
"restecg": 1,
"thalach": 150,
"exang": 1,
"oldpeak": 2.5,
"slope": 1,
"ca": 2,
"thal": 3
"prediction": "Heart Disease",
"probability": 0.85
This project includes an interactive HTML form for easy predictions. Just open index.html
in your browser, fill in the details, and get instant results!
You can deploy this project on Render, AWS, or Heroku using Gunicorn.
gunicorn app:app -b
This project is open-source and free to use. Feel free to contribute or improve! 💡
🔗 Connect with me: LinkedIn | GitHub
📩 Contact: roy.rah@northeastern.edu
💖 Stay heart-healthy and keep coding! 🚀