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rahulc29 committed May 30, 2024
1 parent f06f4a1 commit d644d36
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Showing 5 changed files with 311 additions and 55 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions src/Categories/PullbackFunctor.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Slice

module Categories.PullbackFunctor where

ℓ ℓ' : Level
module _ (C : Category ℓ ℓ') (pullbacks : Pullbacks C) where
open Category C
open Pullback
open SliceOb
open SliceHom
module _ {X Y : ob} (f : Hom[ X , Y ]) where
module TransformMaps {A B : ob} (m : Hom[ A , Y ]) (n : Hom[ B , Y ]) (k : Hom[ A , B ]) (tri : k ⋆ n ≡ m) where
cospanA : Cospan C
cospanA = cospan X Y A f m

cospanB : Cospan C
cospanB = cospan X Y B f n

P : ob
P = pullbacks cospanA .pbOb

Q : ob
Q = pullbacks cospanB .pbOb

f*m : Hom[ P , X ]
f*m = pullbacks cospanA .pbPr₁

g : Hom[ P , A ]
g = pullbacks cospanA .pbPr₂

f*n : Hom[ Q , X ]
f*n = pullbacks cospanB .pbPr₁

h : Hom[ Q , B ]
h = pullbacks cospanB .pbPr₂

f*m⋆f≡g⋆m : f*m ⋆ f ≡ g ⋆ m
f*m⋆f≡g⋆m = pullbacks cospanA .pbCommutes

g⋆k : Hom[ P , B ]
g⋆k = g ⋆ k

g⋆k⋆n≡f*m⋆f : (g ⋆ k) ⋆ n ≡ f*m ⋆ f
g⋆k⋆n≡f*m⋆f =
(g ⋆ k) ⋆ n
≡⟨ ⋆Assoc g k n ⟩
g ⋆ (k ⋆ n)
≡⟨ cong (λ x g ⋆ x) tri ⟩
g ⋆ m
≡⟨ sym f*m⋆f≡g⋆m ⟩
f*m ⋆ f

arrow : Hom[ P , Q ]
arrow = pullbackArrow C (pullbacks cospanB) f*m g⋆k (sym g⋆k⋆n≡f*m⋆f)

arrow⋆f*n≡f*m : arrow ⋆ f*n ≡ f*m
arrow⋆f*n≡f*m = sym (pullbackArrowPr₁ C (pullbacks cospanB) f*m g⋆k (sym g⋆k⋆n≡f*m⋆f))

reindexFunctor : Functor (SliceCat C Y) (SliceCat C X)
Functor.F-ob reindexFunctor (sliceob {A} m) = sliceob (pullbacks (cospan X Y A f m) .pbPr₁)
Functor.F-hom reindexFunctor {sliceob {A} m} {sliceob {B} n} (slicehom k tri) = slicehom arrow arrow⋆f*n≡f*m where open TransformMaps m n k tri
Functor.F-id reindexFunctor {sliceob {A} m} = SliceHom-≡-intro' C X (pullbackArrowUnique C (pullbacks cospanB) f*m g⋆k (sym g⋆k⋆n≡f*m⋆f) id (sym (⋆IdL f*m)) (⋆IdR g ∙ sym (⋆IdL g))) where open TransformMaps m m id (⋆IdL m)
Functor.F-seq reindexFunctor {sliceob {A} m} {sliceob {B} n} {sliceob {C'} o} (slicehom j jComm) (slicehom k kComm) = SliceHom-≡-intro' C X {!!} where
module ABTransform = TransformMaps m n j jComm
module BCTransform = TransformMaps n o k kComm
module ACTransform = TransformMaps m o (j ⋆ k) (⋆Assoc j k o ∙ cong (λ x j ⋆ x) kComm ∙ jComm)

P : ob
P = ABTransform.P

f*m : Hom[ P , X ]
f*m = ABTransform.f*m

Q : ob
Q = ABTransform.Q

R : ob
R = BCTransform.P

f*n : Hom[ Q , X ]
f*n = ABTransform.f*n

g : Hom[ P , A ]
g = ABTransform.g

f*m⋆f≡g⋆m : f*m ⋆ f ≡ g ⋆ m
f*m⋆f≡g⋆m = ABTransform.f*m⋆f≡g⋆m

31 changes: 16 additions & 15 deletions src/Realizability/
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Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module _ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (as : ApplicativeStructure A) where
infix 23 `_
infixl 22 _̇_
data Term (n : ℕ) : Type ℓ where
# : (Vec A n → A) → Term n
# : Fin n → Term n
`_ : A → Term n
_̇_ : Term n → Term n → Term n
Expand All @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ These terms can be evaluated into $A$ if we can give the values of the free vari

⟦_⟧ : ∀ {n} → Term n → Vec A n → A
⟦_⟧ (` a) subs = a
⟦_⟧ {n} (# k) subs = k subs
⟦_⟧ (` a) _ = a
⟦_⟧ {n} (# k) subs = lookup k subs
⟦_⟧ (a ̇ b) subs = (⟦ a ⟧ subs) ⨾ (⟦ b ⟧ subs)
applicationChain : ∀ {n m} → Vec (Term m) (suc n) → Term m
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,12 +115,13 @@ We will call this `λ*abst` and this will turn out to behave very similar to λ
module ComputationRules (feferman : Feferman) where
open Feferman feferman
λ*abst : ∀ {n} → (e : Term (suc n)) → Term n
λ*abst {n} (# x) = {!!}
λ*abst {n} (` x) = {!!}
λ*abst {n} (e ̇ e₁) = {!!}
λ*abst {n} (# zero) = ` s ̇ ` k ̇ ` k
λ*abst {n} (# (suc x)) = ` k ̇ # x
λ*abst {n} (` x) = ` k ̇ ` x
λ*abst {n} (e ̇ e₁) = ` s ̇ λ*abst e ̇ λ*abst e₁

**Remark** : It is important to note that in general, realizability is developed using **partial combinatory algebras** and **partial applicative structures**. In this case, `λ*abst` is not particularly well-behaved. The β reduction-esque rule we derive also does not behave *completely* like β reduction. See Jonh Longley's PhD thesis "Realizability Toposes and Language Semantics" Theorem 1.1.9.
Expand All @@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ We will call this `λ*abst` and this will turn out to behave very similar to λ
We define meta-syntactic sugar for some of the more common cases :

{-λ* : Term one → A
λ* : Term one → A
λ* t = ⟦ λ*abst t ⟧ []
λ*2 : Term two → A
Expand All @@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ We define meta-syntactic sugar for some of the more common cases :
λ*3 t = ⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t)) ⟧ []
λ*4 : Term four → A
λ*4 t = ⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t))) ⟧ [] -}
λ*4 t = ⟦ λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst (λ*abst t))) ⟧ []

We now show that we have a β-reduction-esque operation. We proceed by induction on the structure of the term and the number of free variables.
Expand All @@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ For the particular combinatory algebra Λ/β (terms of the untyped λ calculus q
TODO : Prove this.

{- opaque
unfolding λ*abst
βreduction : ∀ {n} → (body : Term (suc n)) → (prim : A) → (subs : Vec A n) → ⟦ λ*abst body ̇ ` prim ⟧ subs ≡ ⟦ body ⟧ (prim ∷ subs)
βreduction {n} (# zero) prim subs =
Expand All @@ -167,24 +168,24 @@ TODO : Prove this.
⟦ λ*abst rator ⟧ subs ⨾ prim ⨾ (⟦ λ*abst rand ⟧ subs ⨾ prim)
≡⟨ cong₂ (λ x y → x ⨾ y) (βreduction rator prim subs) (βreduction rand prim subs) ⟩
⟦ rator ⟧ (prim ∷ subs) ⨾ ⟦ rand ⟧ (prim ∷ subs)

{-λ*chainTerm : ∀ n → Term n → Term zero
λ*chainTerm : ∀ n → Term n → Term zero
λ*chainTerm zero t = t
λ*chainTerm (suc n) t = λ*chainTerm n (λ*abst t)
λ*chain : ∀ {n} → Term n → A
λ*chain {n} t = ⟦ λ*chainTerm n t ⟧ [] -}
λ*chain {n} t = ⟦ λ*chainTerm n t ⟧ []

We provide useful reasoning combinators that are useful and frequent.

{- opaque
unfolding reverse
unfolding foldl
unfolding chain
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,5 +232,5 @@ We provide useful reasoning combinators that are useful and frequent.
⟦ λ*abst t ⟧ (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ []) ⨾ ⟦ ` d ⟧ (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ [])
≡⟨ βreduction t d (c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ []) ⟩
⟦ t ⟧ (d ∷ c ∷ b ∷ a ∷ [])
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Assembly/LocallyCartesianClosed.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Slice
open import Cubical.Categories.Adjoint
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure
open import Categories.PullbackFunctor

module Realizability.Assembly.LocallyCartesianClosed {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where

open CombinatoryAlgebra ca
open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a) hiding (Z)
open import Realizability.Assembly.Base ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Morphism ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Pullbacks ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Reindexing ca
open NaturalBijection
open SliceOb

module _ {X Y : Type ℓ} {asmX : Assembly X} {asmY : Assembly Y} (f : AssemblyMorphism asmX asmY) where
module SliceDomain {V : Type ℓ} {asmV : Assembly V} (h : AssemblyMorphism asmV asmX) where

D : Type ℓ
D = Σ[ y ∈ Y ] Σ[ s ∈ (fiber (f .map) y V)] ( (yFiberF : fiber (f .map) y) h .map (s yFiberF) ≡ yFiberF .fst)

isSetD : isSet D
isSetD =
(asmY .isSetX)
(λ y
(isSet→ (asmV .isSetX))
(λ s
isSetΠ λ yFiberF isProp→isSet (asmX .isSetX _ _)))

_⊩D_ : A D Type ℓ
r ⊩D (y , s , coh) = ((pr₁ ⨾ r) ⊩[ asmY ] y) × ( (yFiberF : fiber (f .map) y) (a : A) a ⊩[ asmX ] (yFiberF .fst) (pr₂ ⨾ r ⨾ a) ⊩[ asmV ] (s yFiberF))

isProp⊩D : r d isProp (r ⊩D d)
isProp⊩D r d =
(asmY .⊩isPropValued _ _)
λ yFiberF
λ a
isProp→ (asmV .⊩isPropValued _ _))

asmD : Assembly (Σ[ d ∈ D ] ∃[ r ∈ A ] (r ⊩D d))
Assembly._⊩_ asmD r (d@(y , s , coh) , ∃r) = r ⊩D d
Assembly.isSetX asmD = isSetΣ isSetD (λ d isProp→isSet isPropPropTrunc)
Assembly.⊩isPropValued asmD r (d@(y , s , coh) , ∃a) = isProp⊩D r d
Assembly.⊩surjective asmD (d , ∃a) = ∃a

projection : AssemblyMorphism asmD asmY projection (d@(y , s , coh) , ∃r) = y
AssemblyMorphism.tracker projection =
(pr₁ ,
(λ { (d@(y , s , coh) , ∃a) r r⊩d r⊩d .fst }))

private module SliceDomainHom {V W : Type ℓ} {asmV : Assembly V} {asmW : Assembly W} (g : AssemblyMorphism asmV asmX) (h : AssemblyMorphism asmW asmX) (j : AssemblyMorphism asmV asmW) (comm : j ⊚ h ≡ g) where

rawMap : SliceDomain.D g SliceDomain.D h
rawMap (y , s , coh) =
y ,
(λ fib j .map (s fib)) ,
λ { fib@(x , fx≡y)
h .map (j .map (s fib))
≡[ i ]⟨ comm i .map (s fib) ⟩
g .map (s fib)
≡⟨ coh fib ⟩
∎ }

transformRealizers : (d : SliceDomain.D g) Σ[ b ∈ A ] (SliceDomain._⊩D_ g b d) Σ[ j~ ∈ A ] (tracks {xs = asmV} {ys = asmW} j~ (j .map)) Σ[ r ∈ A ] (SliceDomain._⊩D_ h r (rawMap d))
transformRealizers d@(y , s , coh) (e , pr₁e⊩y , pr₂e⊩) (j~ , isTrackedJ) =
realizer : A
realizer = pair ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ e) ⨾ λ* (` j~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ ` e ̇ # zero))

pr₁realizer≡pr₁e : pr₁ ⨾ realizer ≡ pr₁ ⨾ e
pr₁realizer≡pr₁e =
pr₁ ⨾ realizer
≡⟨ refl ⟩ -- unfolding
pr₁ ⨾ (pair ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ e) ⨾ λ* (` j~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ ` e ̇ # zero)))
≡⟨ pr₁pxy≡x _ _ ⟩
pr₁ ⨾ e

pr₂realizerEq : (a : A) pr₂ ⨾ realizer ⨾ a ≡ j~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ e ⨾ a)
pr₂realizerEq a =
pr₂ ⨾ realizer ⨾ a
≡⟨ refl ⟩
pr₂ ⨾ (pair ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ e) ⨾ λ* (` j~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ ` e ̇ # zero))) ⨾ a
≡⟨ cong (λ x x ⨾ a) (pr₂pxy≡y _ _) ⟩
λ* (` j~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ ` e ̇ # zero)) ⨾ a
≡⟨ λ*ComputationRule (` j~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ ` e ̇ # zero)) a ⟩
j~ ⨾ (pr₂ ⨾ e ⨾ a)
(realizer ,
(subst (λ r' r' ⊩[ asmY ] y) (sym pr₁realizer≡pr₁e) pr₁e⊩y ,
(λ { fib@(x , fx≡y) a a⊩x
subst (λ r' r' ⊩[ asmW ] (j .map (s fib))) (sym (pr₂realizerEq a)) (isTrackedJ (s fib) (pr₂ ⨾ e ⨾ a) (pr₂e⊩ fib a a⊩x)) })))

morphism : AssemblyMorphism (SliceDomain.asmD g) (SliceDomain.asmD h) morphism (d@(y , s , coh) , ∃r) = rawMap d , PT.rec2 isPropPropTrunc (λ r⊩d j~ ∣ transformRealizers d r⊩d j~ ∣₁) ∃r (j .tracker)
AssemblyMorphism.tracker morphism =
(j~ , isTrackedJ) j .tracker
closure : Term as 2
closure = (` j~ ̇ (` pr₂ ̇ # one ̇ # zero))

realizer : Term as 1
realizer = ` pair ̇ (` pr₁ ̇ # zero) ̇ (λ*abst closure)
(λ* realizer ,
(λ { (d@(y , s , coh) , ∃r) a (pr₁a⊩y , pr₂a⊩)
pr₁Eq : pr₁ ⨾ (λ* realizer ⨾ a) ≡ pr₁ ⨾ a
pr₁Eq =
pr₁ ⨾ (λ* realizer ⨾ a)
≡⟨ cong (λ x pr₁ ⨾ x) (λ*ComputationRule realizer a) ⟩
pr₁ ⨾ (pair ⨾ (pr₁ ⨾ a) ⨾ _)
≡⟨ pr₁pxy≡x _ _ ⟩
pr₁ ⨾ a
subst (λ r' r' ⊩[ asmY ] y) (sym pr₁Eq) pr₁a⊩y ,
(λ { fib@(x , fx≡y) b b⊩x {!isTrackedJ !} }) }))

Π[_] : Functor (SliceCat ASM (X , asmX)) (SliceCat ASM (Y , asmY))
Functor.F-ob Π[_] (sliceob {V , asmV} h) = sliceob (SliceDomain.projection h)
Functor.F-hom Π[_] {sliceob {V , asmV} g} {sliceob {W , asmW} h} (slicehom j comm) = {!!}
Functor.F-id Π[_] = {!!}
Functor.F-seq Π[_] = {!!}

reindex⊣Π[_] : reindexFunctor ASM PullbacksASM f ⊣ Π[_] (_⊣_.adjIso reindex⊣Π[_]) = λ fo slicehom {!!} {!!}
Iso.inv (_⊣_.adjIso reindex⊣Π[_]) = {!!}
Iso.rightInv (_⊣_.adjIso reindex⊣Π[_]) = {!!}
Iso.leftInv (_⊣_.adjIso reindex⊣Π[_]) = {!!}
_⊣_.adjNatInD reindex⊣Π[_] = {!!}
_⊣_.adjNatInC reindex⊣Π[_] = {!!}
40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions src/Realizability/Assembly/Pullbacks.agda
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Expand Up @@ -117,43 +117,3 @@ module _ (cspn : Cospan ASM) where

PullbacksASM : Pullbacks ASM
PullbacksASM cspn = pullback cspn

-- Using pullbacks we get a functor that sends any f : X → Y to f* : Asm / Y → Asm / X
module _ {X Y : Type ℓ} (asmX : Assembly X) (asmY : Assembly Y) (f : AssemblyMorphism asmX asmY) where
open Pullback
unfolding pullbackAsm
unfolding pullbackPr₁
unfolding pullback
pullbackFunctor : Functor (SliceCat ASM (Y , asmY)) (SliceCat ASM (X , asmX))
Functor.F-ob pullbackFunctor sliceY = sliceob (pullback (cospan (X , asmX) (Y , asmY) (sliceY .S-ob) f (sliceY .S-arr)) .pbPr₁)
Functor.F-hom pullbackFunctor {ySliceA} {ySliceB} sliceHomAB =
sliceACospan : Cospan ASM
sliceACospan = cospan (X , asmX) (Y , asmY) (ySliceA .S-ob) f (ySliceA .S-arr)
p = pullbackPr₂ sliceACospan
m = ySliceA .S-arr
n = ySliceB .S-arr
f*m = pullbackPr₁ sliceACospan
h = sliceHomAB .S-hom
m≡h⊚n = sliceHomAB .S-comm
f*m⊚f≡p⊚m = pbCommutes (pullback sliceACospan)
arrow =
(pullback (cospan (X , asmX) (Y , asmY) (ySliceB .S-ob) f (ySliceB .S-arr))) (pullbackPr₁ sliceACospan) (p ⊚ h)
(AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _
λ { (x , a , fx≡ma) →
f .map x
≡⟨ fx≡ma ⟩
m .map a
≡[ i ]⟨ m≡h⊚n (~ i) .map a ⟩
n .map (h .map a)
∎ }))
Functor.F-id pullbackFunctor = {!!}
Functor.F-seq pullbackFunctor = {!!}

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