A powerful little Javascript object based library to handle simple as well as smooth animations. Linear animations, ease-in-out Cubic, ease-in-out Sine, ease-in-out-Quad, ease-in-out-Circle, ease-in-out-Elastic, ease-in-out-Bounce and lot more.
- Set your own callbacks on animation completion
- Set completion time
- Command the DOM - ie change object's markup, class, id etc.
- Change object's style
##Dependencies To start using jsObjectAnimation-min, you will need only the following 2.139kb of minified file:
##Development Installing Dependencies
git clone https://github.com/rahulsend89/jsObject.git
npm intall
Use Commitizen
npm run commit
Running the Unit Test Suite
npm test
With npm do:
npm install -D jsobject
With bower do:
bower install jsObject --save
Thanks Browserstack for kindly supporting this open source project by providing Automate Basic
Thanks JetBrains for kindly supporting this open source project by providing WebStorm IDE.
Releasing under the MIT License.