Java library to generate names for people based on distributions inferred from US Census data for 1990 and 2000.
The first names are gathered from the 1990 census. The last names are gathered from the 2000 census.
This is the old API, low level but (slightly) faster. It has no support for race.
NameDbUsa instance = NameDbUsa.getInstance();
String firstName = instance.getMaleName();
String lastName = instance.getLastName();
String welcome = "Hello " + firstName + " " + lastName;
System.out.println (welcome);
This is the new API, high level but with great support for race.
NameDbUsa instance = NameDbUsa.getInstance();
Person person = instance.getPerson();
String description = person.getFirstName() + " " +
person.getLastName() + " is of race '" +
person.getRace() + "' and gender '" +
person.getGender() + "'.";
System.out.println (description);
If you want consistent names, this is an option
long l = 42;
Person person = instance.getPerson(l);
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