calculate actual dynamic (german) enduser price including all fix costs and taxes based on EPEX day-ahead prices.
is a dynamic price model better than a fix price model for your electricity contracts ? This app calculates the hour, day and month price from your individual power consumation.
...because this is related to the german electric energy marked the documentation is a wild mix of german and (in source code) english. (if it is usefull for other users there is no problem to communictate at ISSUES or PULL REQUESTS in englisch)
- Moderne Messeinrichtung (digitaler-Stromzähler mit kostenlosen PIN freigeschaltet)
- Tibber-Puls Adapter
oder - TASMOTA mit Lesekopf (oder Phototransitor)
Echtzeit Simulation
grün: besser als Fix-Preis, rot: schlechter als Fix-Preis
Regelbasierender Smart-Grid Switch z.B. für Wallbox oder Wärmepumpe