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SPARQL dataset transformer:

This code will transform SPARQL queries based on different aproaches like(RDF reification, N-ary relations, Singleton property, Ndfluents) to Named Graphs.


This SPARQL query is based one RDF reification:

PREFIX rdf:  <>
    ?st rdf:type rdf:statement.
    ?st rdf:subject ?s.
    ?st rdf:predicate ?p.
    ?st rdf:object ?o.

That SPARQL query will be transformed to a new query based on Named graph approach :

SELECT * WHERE{GRAPH ?st {?s ?p ?o .}}


  1. JDK 1.8
  2. Maven

First run this command on the project path to build the jar file:

$ mvn clean package

To execute the generated jar file:

$ java -jar target\SparqlTransform-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t "query_type" -d "dataset_path" -q "SPARQL_query" -m "query_mapping" 
  • -q : will take SPARQL query as an argument.
  • -t : will take the SPARQL query type(reification,singleton,ndfluents,nary).
  • -d : will take the path of the dataset that we want to use.
  • -m : will take the metadata of the query we use it in ndfluents and n-ary relations.
  • -qf : will take the path of a SPARQL query file.
  • -o : will take a path to an output file to write the new query.
  • -mf : will take the path of a metadata file.

You can check the web version here.