This repository contains the code for DrinkDex, a web app with RESTful API integration. DrinkDex is your go-to cocktail companion, allowing you to effortlessly search for any cocktail, providing detailed recipes, ingredients, visuals, and everything you need to become a master mixologist at home.
- Search for a cocktail
- Get ingredients & measurements
- Get instructions
- Automatic carousel which rotates through all the drinks that matched the search query (if more than one)
- User can click arrows to go to previous and next drinks
- Mobile responsive styling
- Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- RESTful API: cocktailDB API
- Version Control: Git
- Color palette: Witchcraft
- Icons: Font Awesome
In a future iteration, I'd like to include mocktails and other beverages in DrinkDex. I'd also like to create a printable version, as some users may want paper copies of the instructions.
This was the first web application I made that was integrated with a RESTful API. I learned all about DOM manipulation via JavaScript, fetching data from APIs, and working with that data to get the specific information I need. I also had to learn how to use setInterval() in order to create the automatic carousel, which took a lot of tinkering.