🎓 I’m a Final Year student at Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi majoring in Mathematics and Computing!
💻 Currently obsessed with large systems and computationally expensive algorithms.
📫 How to reach me rajwashere98@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences CV
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Jarvis PublicDiscord Chatbot built using 🐍 and hosted on Repl. Currently working with 5+ Discord servers.
Sentiment-Analysis-using-LSTM-Pytorch PublicUsing IMDB-50k-review Dataset, trained LSTM model and deployed to analyse sentiment of any statement or review. Classic Task of NLP.
Jupyter Notebook
data-compression-algorithms PublicComparitive study of Lossless data compression algorithms, Run Length Encoding and Dictionary Coder LZW algorithm. Also generated multiple datasets to perfrom stress testing and comparitive analysis.
Variational-Autoencoder PublicImplemented VAE on Fashion MNIST Data set. Also, tried adding noise to the latent vector and generated the images with different labels. (Surpising results)!
Jupyter Notebook
Semantic-Segmentation-Cityscapes-Dataset-Unet-Pytorch PublicPerformed image classification task using CNN neural network implemented in PyTorch, classifying 10 image classes trained over CIFAR-10 data which consists 60k+ images sample.
Jupyter Notebook
44 contributions in the last year
Day of Week | March Mar | April Apr | May May | June Jun | July Jul | August Aug | September Sep | October Oct | November Nov | December Dec | January Jan | February Feb | March Mar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Contribution activity
March 2025
Created 7 commits in 2 repositories
Created 2 repositories
This contribution was made on Mar 22
This contribution was made on Mar 20