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This sets up an internal idp so that apigee-sso and edge-ui can be tested on premise

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Apigee Internal IDP


This project installs an saml sso based internal idp as apigee service so that you can configure apigee with an idp for SAML flows. Apigee UE(Unified Experience) comes with only SAML only support which means you need an idp to get started.

Further the local idp can either connect to openldap that comes with Apigee Installation or to your configure with your own ldap directorty service.



Getting Started


  • Setup apigee-service

apigee-internal idp is an apigee service and follows the same installation pattern as any other apigee components. Please look at the Apigee Private Cloud documentation on installing apigee-service.

  • Setup repo

On the machine where you install apigee-internal-idp, create /etc/yum.repos.d/apigee-idp.repo with following contents:

name = Apigee  Custom Repo
baseurl =
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 0


  • Create Key/Cert pair for setting up Tomcat.

Generate a TLS cert and key and store them in a keystore file. You can use a self-signed certificate or CA certificate.

To create a keystore file from your cert and key:

  1. Create a directory for the JKS file:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-internal-idp/tomcat-ssl/
  1. Change to the new directory:
cd /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-internal-idp/tomcat-ssl/
  1. Create a JKS file containing the cert and key. You must specify a keystore for this mode that contains a cert signed by a CA. For an example of creating a JKS file, see Configuring TLS/SSL for Edge On Premises.

In Case you want to Quickly setup a Self Signed Key/Cert follow these steps:

mkdir -p /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-internal-idp/tomcat-ssl
cd /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-internal-idp/tomcat-ssl

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out cert.pem -x509 -sha256  -subj "/C=US/ST=Foo/L=Bar/O=Foobar/OU=Sales/"

openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey key.pem -out cert.p12 -passout pass:Secret123

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cert.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore cert.jks -deststoretype JKS -deststorepass Secret123 -srcstorepass Secret123

keytool -changealias -alias "1" -destalias "idp" -keystore cert.jks -storepass Secret123
chown -R apigee:apigee /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-internal-idp/tomcat-ssl

  1. Make the JKS file owned by the "apigee" user:
sudo chown -R apigee:apigee /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-internal-idp/tomcat-ssl
  • Create silent config file as shown in example below
#Public hostname of IDP hostname
#This parameter specifies where password reset mails will be sent.Set this to http://{EDGE_UI}:9000 in case you wanto to use classic UI

#Points to LDAP Host that gets installed with Apigee. In case of external ldap it should point to external ldap. In case its aio setup its localhost
LDAP_HOSTNAME=localhost #hostname_or_ip_of_ldap
LDAP_PORT=10389 #ldap port

#IDP Settings
#IDP needs to be setup on https. It can be setup as standalone tomcat or behind loadbalancer. Even when tomcat is behind loadbalancer, tomcat needs to be set up with ssl.


#SSL_TERMINATION configuration means SSL is setup in Standalone Tomcat.


#SSL_PROXY configuration means Load balancer in front of Tomcat.



# Specify the path to the keystore file.
# The password specified when you created the keystore.

#These are shibboleth Settings required for backchannel communications.

  • Install apigee-internal-idp
/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service  apigee-internal-idp install
/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-internal-idp setup -f /tmp/idp-config.txt
  • IDP Metadata
curl -k https://IDP_PUBLIC_URI_HOSTNAME:IDP_PUBLIC_URI_PORT/idp/shibboleth
curl | sh -

How to Test?

  • In case you are using classic UI, go to http://edge-ui-host:9000. For UE, go to http://edge-management-ui-host:3001
  • You will be prompted with Sign in With your Account Page.
  • On Clicking Sign In, you will be presented with Login Page.
  • Sign in with your opdk credentials. You should be in
  • Go to Admin->Users and Create a user (email) and associate with a role.
  • The user should be get an email and he should be able to click on Password reset to set his account password.
  • Use Management API calls with the same credentials. You can use both basic and token based authentication for your users.

How to install Classic ui and UE on same machine?

Classic UI and UE can't be run on same box because they use common component edge-ui with different configurations. Edge UE(edge-management-ui) depends on edge-ui(Shoehorn or Classic edge ui). It can only be possible to run them in same box if we can clone edge-ui and run the cloned version on a different port.

  • Install

Assuming you have Classic UI(edge-ui) component already installed, you can run following script to clone edge-ui as edge-classic-ui.

curl | sh -

This script creates a apigee-service named edge-classic-ui. This will also set the port as 9098.

  • Change Port

In case you want to set at other port run this command

curl | sh -s <your-port>
  • Setup

You can now setup edge-classic-ui and configure sso. Follow instructions in to setup shoehorn UI.

Configure the Edge UI:
/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-classic-ui setup -f configFile

Enable SAML on the Edge UI:
/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-classic-ui configure-sso -f configFile
  • Uninstall edge-classic-ui
rm -fr /opt/apigee/edge-classic-ui*

External Authentication

You can set IDP to setup external authentication. This can be done with code with config. You also have to configure management server with external authentication as documented in Apigee documentation.

  • Open /opt/apigee/customer/application/ in a text editor. If the file does not exist, create it.

  • Add following lines:

conf_idp_ldap.authentication.server.port=10389,dc=com\$resolutionContext.principal) sn cn
  • Restart apigee-internal-idp
/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-internal-idp restart

Uninstall apigee-internal-idp

yum autoremove apigee-internal-idp
rm -fr /opt/apigee/apigee-internal-idp*


This sets up an internal idp so that apigee-sso and edge-ui can be tested on premise






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