A cool typescript based React component for viewing graphql schemas. Still a WIP!
Demo Here on CodeSandbox!
I was initially adding this component for Prisma's graphql-playground project and found it to be quite helpful for viewing a schema.
Currently this project is a WIP. There's still a lot of boilerplate code directly copied from the graphql-playground project that still needs some cleanup.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome!
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/rajinwonderland/graphql-schema-viewer.git
Install Dependencies
cd graphql-schema-viewer
# then install!
# or
npm install
Start Hacking
yarn start
- Publish on Github
- Codesandbox Demo
- Publish npm module
- Setup Inputs for different graphql endpoints
- Add CodeMirror SDLView to project
- Setup demos with popular graphql endpoints
- Refactor and filter out all the graphql-playground utilities
- CodeSandbox - An amazing online IDE tool
- React - React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- NPM - Node Package Management
- TypeScript -TypeScript brings you optional static type-checking along with the latest ECMAScript features
- GraphQL-Playground - Initially contributed this component for Prisma's graphql-playground IDE
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Most of the utilities came directly from GraphQL Playground and their DocsExplorer component