🔭 I’m currently working on Scalable Cloud Solutions for AWS EC2 Servers.
🌱 I’m currently learning about All things AWS (Lambda, SWF, Step Functions ) .
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on microservices and Dev-Ops technology.
🤔 I’m looking for help with AWS .
💬 Ask me about Office Episodes and Spring Boot .
😄 Pronouns: He / His .

Amazon Web Service
- Seattle
- https://rajshah1.github.io
Pinned Loading
NearBy-App PublicIOS based project to find out nearby services within a particular radius when the user enters a location and can also detect the user’s location. It suggests the nearest service available along wit…
Swift 5
fixDeposits_API PublicRest API that supports various data Manipulation and Report Generation Tasks require by Fix Deposits Management System .Routes are secured using JWT token Auth. Stack Used : Spring Boot, eureka-ser…
Java 3
visa-appoinment-notifier PublicAutomation Tool Scripts to get notification when Vac Dates are Available in US Visa Portal . Email Notifier will notifiy when interview Dates are Available. Stack Used : Puppeteer,Node js,Chron Job…
fixDeposits_UIUX PublicUI Application Created as Part of FIX Deposits Management Web application . Stack and Hosting : React Js, Jquery , Firebase Hosting ,Hooks ,Github CI/CD
JavaScript 3
rajshah1.github.io PublicMy Personal Portfolio Website at : rajshah1.github.io
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