Logly is a development solution that forwards browser errors and automatically generates PRs to resolve them.
<script src="https://this-doesn-t-exist-yet.com/logly.js">
var repo = 'your-repo-name';
var token = 'your-logly-token';
<script src="https://this-doesn-t-exist-yet.com/logly.js">
var repo = 'your-repo-name';
var token = 'your-logly-token';
Login on our website, add your application, and use your application. Clyde the AI will handle the rest.
- Repo storage
- Automated PRs
- Issues
Copy paste .env.dist to .env files in docker dir
docker compose up -d
docker exec -it logly_backend bash
composer update
bin/console doctrine:migrate
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
gh auth login
GitHub CLI
Goto https://github.com/settings/tokens (pick classic tokens) and provide 'repo', 'read:org', 'admin:public_key' permissions
Paste the result
import { Logly } from 'logly';
url: 'your-logly-backend-server-url/ingest'
repo: 'your-repo-name',
token: 'your-github-token',
(Mock example)
- Add feed.js source to your repo
- Add Clyde as a contributor
Adding the feed.js script allows for it to intercept all errors that are generated on the client. These logs are forwarded to a central server which also has a copy of the repo's source code on file. Using the error and filename, the source code of the offending file is located and obtained. Now with the required pieces:
- LLM prompt is created
- LLM response is generated
- Code is extracted and updated
- Git operations are performed
- GitHub operations are performed