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Varsha Venkatasubramanian edited this page May 22, 2021 · 11 revisions

Examples of using Notion SDK for Python

To play with these examples we expect that you've followed the instructions for notion-sdk-py's installation and usage.


To reproduce this CRUD example:

  • create a Database in Notion with title: Test Notion SDK for Python Database;
  • on the "Tags" column create two labels: Animal, Vegetal;
  • create a new column called Link of type URL;
  • create a new column called Value of type Number;
  • delete the blank lines from database;

Then follow this steps to create pages on a database:

  • authenticate with secret token
  • search for database by its name
  • create some pages using a for loop
    • basic check for error or success
# CRUD Example 1
import sys
import random
import notion_client

# replace with your Token

NOTION_DATABASE_NAME = "Test Notion SDK for Python Database"

notion = notion_client.Client(auth=NOTION_TOKEN)

print(f"Searching database '{NOTION_DATABASE_NAME}' ...", end="", flush=True)

search_database =**{
    'property': 'object',
    'value': 'database'

if len(search_database['results']) == 0:
    print(" not found!")

print(" found!")

my_database_id = search_database['results'][0]['id']

# this is a bit useless since we already have the database id
my_database = notion.databases.retrieve(database_id=my_database_id)

# this will create 3 pages
for page_id in range(1, 4):
    rand_page_type = random.choice(['Animal', 'Vegetal'])

    # set how other properties types here:
    new_page_props = {
        'Name': {'title': [{'text': {'content': f"My Page of {rand_page_type} {page_id}"}}]},
        'Value': {'number': page_id},
        'Link': {'type': 'url', 'url': f"{page_id}"},
        'Tags': {'type': 'multi_select', 'multi_select': [{'name': rand_page_type}]}

    notion_page = notion.pages.create(
        parent={'database_id': my_database['id']},

    if notion_page['object'] == 'error':
        print("ERROR", notion_page['message'])

    print(f"Page for {rand_page_type} {page_id} created with id {notion_page['id']}")

You should get an output like this:

Searching database 'Test Notion SDK for Python Database' ... found!
Page for Vegetal 1 created with id ac0dc8ba-2ac8-42b1-9eb6-afbeabf36576
Page for Animal 2 created with id 506f3942-70e3-4c9c-a85b-0c3facd1b718
Page for Vegetal 3 created with id b5752ee4-b6a1-4839-b679-0569ef2e9ef0

If you get the output:

Searching database Test Notion SDK for Python Database... not found!

... check the Database name

If you get errors like this:

ERROR mNNm is an invalid select option "Animal".
ERROR mNNm is an invalid select option "Animal".
ERROR mNNm is an invalid select option "Vegetal".

back to start and check the "Tags" columns.

Other Examples

These are real-world examples of projects people have built using this SDK. They could be more complicated and have other dependencies as well, but they showcase the kind of powerful applications and integrations you can build with notion-sdk-py.

A Discord bot that looks up and aggregates book recommendations given on a Discord channel, and writes them to a Notion database.