A C++ program for managing patient records in a medical facility.The data is stored in a structured format using arrays, ensuring easy access and management of patient information.
- Add Patient Record: Enter and store patient details including name, CNIC, gender, disease, past medical history, and check-in date.
- Delete Patient Record: Remove patient records using a unique registration ID.
- Display All Records: View all stored patient records.
- Search Patient Record: Search for a patient using their registration ID.
- Save Records: Save current patient records to a file.
- Retrieve Records: Retrieve patient records from a file.
- A C++ compiler supporting C++11 or later.
- C++ Standard Library.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/medical-information-system.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd medical-information-system
Compile the program:
g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o medical_info_system
Run the program:
Follow the on-screen prompts to navigate through the menu and manage patient records. The program allows you to add, delete, display, search, save, and retrieve patient records.
Validates the CNIC format to ensure it matches the pattern xxxxx-xxxxxxx-x
Returns the current date in YYYY-MM-DD
void ADDrecord(string Names[], string Regids[], string Cnics[], string Genders[], string Dates[], string Pastmedicalhistory[], string Diseases[], const string& firstName, const string& middleName, const string& lastName, const string& cnic, const string& gender, const string& date, const string& pasthistory, const string& regid, const string& disease, int& patientcount, int maxcapacity)
Adds a new patient record to the system.
void Delrecord(string Names[], string Regids[], string Cnics[], string Genders[], string Dates[], string Pastmedicalhistory[], string Diseases[], const string& regid, int& patientcount)
Deletes a patient record based on the registration ID.
void Patientdisplay(string Names[], string Regids[], string Cnics[], string Genders[], string Dates[], string Pastmedicalhistory[], string Diseases[], int& patientcount)
Displays all patient records.
void Searchpatient(string Names[], string Regids[], string Cnics[], string Genders[], string Dates[], string Pastmedicalhistory[], string Diseases[], const string& regid, int& patientcount)
Searches for a patient record using the registration ID.
void Saverecord(string Names[], string Regids[], string Cnics[], string Genders[], string Dates[], string Pastmedicalhistory[], string Diseases[], const string& filename, int patientcount)
Saves all current patient records to a file.
Retrieves and displays patient records from a file.
- Arrays: The program uses arrays to store patient details including names, registration IDs, CNICs, genders, dates, past medical histories, and diseases.
- Records are saved to and retrieved from a file named
. - Ensure you have the necessary file permissions to read/write to
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.