Alpha version (
Hint: Combined panels β , both sides panels β , Splitted sections β , Panel insertion into section β
Hint: Alerts in status-bar β , Alerts in sides panels β , Splitted sections template selector β , Embedded web-views β
Hint: Dark-Mode β , Upper bar β , Menu capabilities β
A zero-maintenance/batteries-included panel manager inspired by VSCode style/aspect that adds via Material-UI elements a self populating/managed and state keeping organization of generated children panels.
- StatusBar
- Cannot display 2 status bars, 1 up and 1 down
- Status items cannot be ordered
- Status items are not draggable
- Status items don't have a pre-defined size
- Status items require a unique id
NOTE: comes bundled with prop-types
. No Typescript support. Help me by creating a PR π .
Minimal version for mandatory dependencies. Up to the user to provide React 16.0+ and Material UI 4.0
Install the latest version with your favorite package manager.
npm install @kadarka/material-ui-panel --save
yarn i @kadarka/material-ui-panel
The base structure it's a grid with 5 columns, at most 5, at least 3 all the time visible, with 1 or 2 always potentially width: 0px
Grid-columns are [ ( 'leftMenu' '{leftPanel?}' ) 'main' ( '{rightPanel?}' 'rightMenu' ) ]
Side note: leftPanel
and rightPanel
are only visible if needed. Internally they are a grid-area
sub-populated as a flex
with direction column
leftMenu | leftPanel | main | rightPanel | rightMenu |
announced panels for side: left |
panels[ ] qualifying for side and visibility properties | user main app | panels[ ] qualifying for side and visibility properties | announced panels for side: right |
The <MuiPanelProvider>
is a HOC Context driven manager suggested to be added close the the root of the document, preferably outside the Β±<Router>
but inside the <MuiTheme>
The MuiPanelProvider constitutes of a wrapper around the Context API that acts as a store, with a few methods exposed to the user for managing the states, along with some internal methods that allow the panels to announce themselves, broadcast state changes and react to events. Communication is duplex and the panels themselves are in a dual-binding open chat with the Provider.
import { createTheme, ThemeOptions, ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/core/styles'
// import { useMemo } from 'react'
// import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'
// import routes from './routes'
export default (): JSX.Element => {
const theme = useMemo(() => createTheme({ palette: { type: 'dark' } } as ThemeOptions), [])
return <ThemeProvider {...{ theme }}>
{/* ... */}
{/* notification?... */}
{/* login/modals/errors?... */}
{/* ... */}
{/* ... */}
{{ path, exact, component }) => <Route key={path} {...{ exact, path, component }} />)}
{/* ... */}
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
allowRightClick | boolean | false |
Determines if the panel allows opening the default browser context menu on right click |
initialSide | string | left |
A side option to define for a new user the preference of the menu. Options left and right |
inverseMarkers | boolean | false |
Determines is the highlight markers are oriented towards the outer borders of the screen, or towards the main content of the screen |
markerColor | string | textPrimary |
Sets on of the material-UI Typography range of available colors. Options textPrimary , textSecondary , primary , secondary |
Self organizing manager wrapper that renders all children given
Argument | Default | Description |
allowRightClick | false | Determines if the panel allows opening the default browser context menu on right click |
<MuiDivider tooltip="Default separator" />
<NotificationPanel />
<MupPanel title="Lorem Ipsum Panel" icon={<FormatIndentIncreaseIcon />}>
{`Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...`}
<MupPanel title="Sample Panel" icon={<FormatAlignLeftIcon />}>
<Skeleton animation="wave" height={10} style={{ marginBottom: 6 }} />
Self organizing manager wrapper that renders all children given
A utility modal to display the current state of the panels, layout, settings and the rest of the store. It's constantly updated via the Provider hooks.
<MuiPanelProvider debugMode={true}...>
Self organizing manager wrapper that renders all children given
Hint: Panels can issue notifications
Hint: Panels can feature automatic padding
The component creates an object for the status bar that can be clicked. It's self registered and managed
Hint: Direct actions are permitted
Hint: As well placed menu actions
Hint: Informational sections
Hint: Errors are using the secondary color
Internally the wrapper <MupStatusBar>
bound to the scene is not being rendered and started if there are no <MupStatus>
announced across the application at any point in time. Later instantiation is fully encouraged to de-clutter the DOM.
Add a section to either primary
or secondary
side of the status bar. An omission will result in a default section.
Each MupStatus
entity must contain an id
in form of an unique identifier across the session.
<MuiPanelProvider />
allows the user to configure the status bar with the following properties:
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
allowRightClick | bool |
inherited | Decides if right/long click triggers any action |
Argument | Type | Default | Description | |
id | β | string |
... | Give a unique identifier to the status element |
elements | β | array |
[] |
List of objects of type {icon: ReactNode, text: string} |
side | string |
primary |
Determines to which side the panel is bound | |
requestAttention | bool |
false |
When truthy is uses the secondary color |
tooltip | string |
'' |
Provides a tooltip acting as a guide | |
focusOnClick | string |
null | Toggles visibility of a panel known by <MuiPanelProvider> by it's unique identifier |
onClick | func |
() => {} |
Issues callback when status section is clicked | |
onContextMenu | func |
() => {} |
Issues callback when status section is right/long clicked. |
// 2 icons with text
tooltip='33% frames left / Ready for photo'
{ icon: <FormatIndentIncrease color="action" />, text: 'Lorem' },
{ icon: <CameraIcon />, text: 'Ipsum' },
// 1 icon triggering a panel
tooltip="Toggle visibility for panel"
{ icon: <CastConnectedIcon />, text: 'Toggle Panel' }
demo text
// 1 icon doing an onClick callback
tooltip="View Documents ... - (Last checked - 3 min ago)"
elements={[{ icon: <AllInboxIcon />, text: '4 Related' }]}
// 1 icon requesting attention, no text
tooltip="View Documents ... - (Last checked - 3 min ago)"
elements={[{ icon: <AllInboxIcon /> }]}
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const [elements, setElements] = useState();
const [requestAttention, setRequestAttention] = useState(true); // Request attention state
const someFunction = () => {
setElements([{ icon: <CloudDoneOutlinedIcon />, text: 'Document saved' }]) // Set an element
setRequestAttention(true) // Update attention state
return <>
requestAttention={requestAttention} // Reference attention state
onClick={() => setOpen(true)}
tooltip="Save Document?"
elements={elements} // Initialize empty (won't show)
The component creates an ποΈ ( + π ) object that can be clicked. It's self registered and managed
HINT: Works great to display a logo or a button with a custom icon ( + text )
Allows the developer to add to the sidebars a logo, a logo with a custom short text, or a button triggering a custom action.
Internally the <MuiPanelProvider>
is made aware of the <MupButton>
instance after the first render which triggers the internal hook to upstream call the provider with a new entity.
Argument | Req | Observed | Type | Default | Description |
id | β | string |
... | Give a unique identifier to the status element | |
icon | β | π | node |
Passthru element of Node type. Uses cloneElement internally |
tooltip | π | string |
Provides a tooltip acting as a guide | ||
shortText | π | string |
Provides a short text of max 4 UTF8 chars | ||
showIcon | π | bool |
true |
Used to determine if the icon should be shown in case provided | |
disabled | π | bool |
false |
Determine if the colors turn gray and interactivity is disabled | |
onClick | func |
Issues callback when status section is clicked |
tooltip={`Click here to go ${page.url}`
shortText="LKDN" // 4 letters will be displayed in all CAPS
icon={<BathtubIcon style={{ color: 'orange' }} // custom color
icon={<LinkedInIcon style={{ color: green[500] }} />} // custom color
icon={<SvgIcon component={StarIcon} viewBox="0 0 ..." />} // raw svg icon
icon={<Icon style={{ color: green[500] }}>add_circle</Icon>} // font material icon
icon={<Icon className="fa fa-plus-circle" color="secondary" />} // font awesome icon
showIcon={false} // hide icon
disabled={true} // disable interaction
onClick={() => console.log('clicked')} // callback
export default ({ tooltip, shortText, icon, showIcon, disabled, ... }) => {
return <>
{ ... { tooltip, shortText, icon, showIcon, disabled } }
This is the observable wrapper of your entire application. This should be included as close to root as possible where content represents your view or a representation of your current application UI.
Argument | Type | Default | Description | |
β | children | Node |
... | Passthru Node for the current app UI. Expecting the router output or the main <...> of the application. Consider to include all custom wrappers for <Layout ...>, <Notifications ...> and others. |
<ReactRouter ... /> // your app page/pages
- todo: make callbacks clean right the GC