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Freedom Account Tracker

I first learned about the Freedom Account from Mary Hunt's book, Debt-Proof Living. A Freedom Account is a separate bank account where you regularly save for larger irregular expenses, such as car repairs, annual or semi-annual insurance premiums, property taxes, Christmas gifts, etc. This article summarizes the idea very well.

I generally save for many different kinds of expenses ("categories" or "sub-accounts") in my Freedom Account, and I needed a way to track the balance of each category over time. That's what this app is for.

Handy Commands

I'll eventually flesh this out into better instructions; for now, this is just a scratchpad to remind myself how to do things:

  • Install asdf
  • Install Docker
  • Install tools: asdf install
  • Start development Docker containers: mix dev
  • Initial dev setup: mix setup
  • Run the development server: mix s
  • Format the code: mix format
  • Run all tests and checks: mix validate
  • Run tests: mix test
  • Run tests, watching for changes: mix test.interactive --stale
  • Run lint checks: mix credo
  • Run type checks: mix dialyzer
  • Build the production app: mix build
  • Run the production app: mix prod
  • Stop all Docker containers: mix stop

To be ported/eliminated:

  • Run an individual end-to-end test-related command: npm run e2e <npm script>. Available scripts include:

    • dev
    • format
    • lint
    • lint:format
    • lint:js
  • To run the client tests using Jest's interactive mode:

    • cd client && npm test


I previously built a version of this app in Smalltalk using the Seaside web framework and have been using it for many years. I decided to build a new, updated version of the app in order to build my knowledge and skills in some newer-to-me technologies.

As such, this is a side/learning project for me. I don't expect others to find it terribly useful for their needs, but I'm hoping that the code and development process will be instructive.

I'm building this "in the open" so others can see the process I'm going through while building it. Even though it's a solo project, I plan to do the work via pull requests that document what I'm doing and why.

I may also write a series of blog posts about this project on my blog.

Learning Goals

Here's what I hope to learn by doing this project:


  • Phoenix LiveView: I've been hearing/reading a lot about this and I really want to learn it. This is a new direction as of 2022-11, and replaces some of the technologies listed below (like GraphQL, Absinthe, React, Jest, etc.). I'm leaving them there for posterity.

  • GraphQL: I've been using this on client projects at work and want to continue to get more familiar with it.

  • Elixir/Phoenix/Absinthe: I've build a command-line application in Elixir, worked on a fairly complex Elixir application for a client through my job, and maintained a very small internal Elixir/Phoenix application at work. I want to gain more experience with Phoenix, and I've heard good things about Absinthe for building GraphQL servers, so I wanted to try that out as well. Update 2022-11: I've been working in Elixir/Phoenix for the past three years, so now have quite a bit of experience with it.

  • Modern React: I've been working in React for three years now, but I've never had the chance to start a project from the very beginning and control how everything is done. I also don't have any open-source work in React that I can show people, as everything I've done has been on client projects. I want to use fully-modern React capabilities, such as Strict Mode from day 1, using hooks as much as possible, etc.

  • Docker: I've been using Docker at work, but most of the setup was done by another team member. I want to learn how to do more of this work myself.

  • Jest: I use Jest on pretty much every JavaScript project I do now, but I've come to realize that some patterns I've been following may not be the best. I want to experiment with some alternatives.

  • Cypress: I've heard really good things about Cypress as an end-to-end testing tool. I want to try it out and get good at it.

  • Hot-reloading in React. I've used this in the past and loved it, but more recently the tools for it haven't been working in all situations. For example, I don't believe that create-react-app currently supports hot-reloading out of the box. I know there's been some recent work to make hot-reloading more usable and reliable, so I want to see if I can get that working.

Overall Development Approach

On past projects, I've often been on projects where we rushed into delivering the first few features early to get quick wins, but skipped over some important things. On this project, I want to try to do those important things from Day 1 to see how things turn out. Among them:

  • Use GitHub's project management tools. Normally, I use Pivotal Tracker when given a choice, but for this project, I'd like to keep everything in one place, so I'm going to try out GitHub's tools.

  • End-to-end tests. I plan to use Cypress for this.

  • Build and tooling infrastructure, including Continuous Integration (CI), linting, testing, type checking, etc.

  • Proper error handling.

  • Accessibility.

  • Animations.

  • Optimistic updates with proper rollback when errors occur.

  • Pay attention to performance early on, especially React rendering performance. I want to learn if I'm using some patterns that negatively affect performance, and also try to establish some guidelines for myself about when to use some of React's performance optimization tools.


I'm not a designer, but I want to try to learn some design by doing my own design for this project. I am getting some mentoring from a designer at work, but want to try doing as much of it myself as I can.

I want to try to design this application using a mobile-first approach as well.

Other Possibilities

I'm not ready to commit to the items in this list just yet, but they are ideas for other things I might want to learn about using this project as a vehicle:


Freedom Account Tracker







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