A simple spigot plugin which allows whitelisting through a discord text channel. This provides an easy way for users to whitelist without needing to be on the minecraft server.
3 separate role groups:
- add-remove group: allows the user to add and remove users from the whitelist an unlimited amount of times (recommended for owners and admins)
- add group: allows the user to add to the whitelist an unlimited amount of times (recommended for moderators)
- limited-add group: allows the user to whitelist a limited amount of times (recommended for users, default amount is 3)
- limited-add group can be disabled in the config (enabled by default)
removed list:
- this list removes the ability for limited-add users to add back users that have been removed by the add-remove group
- can be disabled in the config (enabled by default)
use '!whitelist add "minecraftUsername"' in a valid channel to whitelist people on your minecraft server
use '!whitelist remove "minecraftUsername"' in a valid channel to remove people from the whitelist on your minecraft server
use '!whitelist' in a valid channel to get info about the bot and how to use it
only select Discord roles can whitelist through the bot
bot only listens for messages in select text channels
logs whitelist attempts from valid roles in the console
Config file is located at: (server-root)/plugins/DiscordWhitelister - this needs a valid bot token and valid channel ids to work. To create a Discord application and/or find your discord bot token, follow this link: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/