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Basilisk is a web application to run the continuous benchmarking process on triple stores like Tentris, Virtuoso and Fuseki.

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What is Basilisk?

Basilisk is a web application to run the continuous benchmarking process on triple stores like Tentris, Virtuoso and Fuseki. Current implementation of Basilisk runs CBP on Git and Docker hook. In Git hook, Basilisk runs CBP on Tentris and Fuseki triple stores and in Docker hook, runs CBP on Tentris and Virtuoso triple stores.

Fuseki server setup

First we need to set up the Fuseki server to store the results of benchmarking process. Download the Fuseki server using the below command.


Unzip the downloaded file.


Place the settings file for Fuseki server

cd apache-jena-fuseki-3.15.0
mkdir run
cd run
touch shiro.ini

# Write the below content into the shiro.ini file

# Development
ssl.enabled = false

iniRealm.credentialsMatcher = $plainMatcher

# Implicitly adds "iniRealm =  org.apache.shiro.realm.text.IniRealm"


## Control functions open to anyone
/$/status  = anon
/$/ping    = anon
/$/metrics = anon
/$/** = anon

Run the Fuseki server

cd apache-jena-fuseki-3.15.0
nohup ./fuseki-server --update -mem /ds2 &

Create below three datasets in the Fuseki server.

  • fuseki
  • tentris
  • virtuoso
curl -X POST "$/datasets?dbType=tdb2&dbName=fuseki"
curl -X POST "$/datasets?dbType=tdb2&dbName=tentris"
curl -X POST "$/datasets?dbType=tdb2&dbName=virtuoso"

How to build and run Basilisk?

Download the Basilisk maven project from the git repository.

git clone

Build the maven project.

mvn clean install

Run Basilisk using maven command. The options --admin-user-name and --admin-pass are mandatory options, these options will be used by Basilisk and sets up the admin account. These credentials are necessary, later to kick off the benchmarking process.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="--admin-user-name <admin user name> --admin-pass <admin password>"

If you want to run Basilisk using the jar, use the below command. The below command runs in background with the nohup command, because if the Basilisk CBP is kicked off then it might take more than 2 weeks to complete the run if there are more versions to benchmark. This is because Iguana runs benchmark for 1 hour for each version and for each version Basilisk runs benchmarking process with 5 different workers settings, therefore Basilisk runs almost more than 5 hours for each version. If you do not want Iguana to run benchmarking process for 1 hour then check Iguana config file.

nohup java -jar basilisk-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --admin-user-name <admin user name> --admin-pass <admin password> &

To monitor the Basilisk application that started in background, use the below command. The above command creates a file called nohup.out in the current directory.

tail -f nohup.out

To kickoff the continuous benchmarking process, use the below command or open the link in a browser.

curl "http://localhost:8080/runbenchmark?userName=<admin user name>&password=<admin password>&hook=<hook value>"

<admin user name> and <admin password> are the one that is used in the --admin-user-name and --admin-pass options while running the Basilisk application.

The hook key is an optional, and it can have below three integer values. By default, hook value is 3.

  • 1 - kickoff benchmark on Git hook
  • 2 - kickoff benchmark on Docker hook
  • 3 - kickoff benchmark on both Git and Docker hook

Once the benchmarking process is done by the Basilisk, results will be uploaded in to Fuseki server and results in nt file will be stored in results directory.

Understanding the Basilisk runtime environment

Once the Basilisk application is up and running, it creates a below file structure in the directory where the application is ran.

├── basilisk-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar           # Basilisk jar file
└── continuousBM/                       # Workspace for CBP
    ├── bmWorkSpace/                    # Building docker image process happens here
    ├── iguana/                         # Iguana jar and related files including the test query files
    ├── testDataSet/                    # Test dataset for benchmarking process
    ├── GitMetaData.yml                 # Information of the triple stores in Git hook
    ├── DockerMetaData.yml              # Information of the triple stores in Docker hook
    ├── DockerBenchmarkedAttempted.yml  # List of all the triple stores in Docker hook and its version that already benchmarked
    └── GitBenchmarkedAttempted.yml     # List of all the triple stores in Git hook and its version that already benchmarked
├── results/                            # Benchmarked result file as nt file
├── runStat/                            # Basilisk statistics file of a single run
└── logs/                               # Basilisk log

Things to remember

  • iguana/

Please place all the test SPARQL queries(txt file) in this directory. If the test query files are not present in this directory, Basilisk will throw an exception. The remaining files like Iguana jar file and related files will be downloaded by the Basilisk into this folder.

  • testDataSet/

Please place all the test data set(nt, n3 etc.) to be loaded into the triple store for benchmarking process into this directory. If the test dataset are not present in this directory, then docker might fail to run the container.

  • GitMetaData.yml

This file contains the information of triple stores in Git hook. Basilisk uses this configuration file to run CBP on Git hook.

For example, To change the test dataset on tentris, change the value of dataset key in this file and place that test data set in testDataSet directory.

- name: tentris
  command: curl
  port: '9080'
  dataset: sp2b.nt
  queriesFilePath: sp2b.txt
- name: fuseki
  command: curl
  port: '9999'
  dataset: sp2b.nt
  queriesFilePath: sp2b.txt
  • DockerMetaData.yml

This file contains the information of triple stores in Docker hook. Basilisk uses this configuration file to run CBP on Docker hook.

For example, To change the port on tentris, you must change the value of port key in this file.

- name: tentris
  repositoryName: dicegroup/tentris_server
  command: curl
  port: '9080'
  dataset: sp2b.nt
  queriesFilePath: sp2b.txt
- name: virtuoso
  repositoryName: openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7
  command: curl
  port: '8890'
  dataset: sp2b.nt
  queriesFilePath: sp2b.txt
  • DockerBenchmarkedAttempted.yml

This file contains all the triple stores in Docker hook, and the hash of all its version on which benchmarking has been attempted once. The entry of a version in this file means that the benchmarking will be skipped for it in subsequent runs. If you want to run benchmarking for a particular version of a triple store again, remove that version's hash from this file.

Example file looks like below. Please neglect initialTempKickOffData, this is created by Basilisk to avoid yaml exception.

- tentris:
  - initialTempKickOffData
  - d76469e06dfac68e000714a9a3ffa732cc04cf3e1e860c02a46049d82c37fa5e
  - 33073b98df2a5def586e7c861aa0024ea685f04b859855b45a6ddd9fba2f2703
  - 33fa40bef558a6dfcfa3693cf139488e0fbec8b1d2aa14160d9673e300df45a4
  - 553d1bda86a25a4a2abc09a334bdf6cb8dc6ca57b33de715d60b60501cd5e221
- virtuoso:
  - initialTempKickOffData
  - 25f597486c3f817954658abbd9ccb65b2e862fbb3562916e78f4c1c714f1650d
  - ef3b593ea58164ae604d5d9b51884cfbcb2df8d335b71f2f7a798b3cbb4d9979
  - a5e420c3556335641718ed1f79ccac55a8a8f9148cf26a27383289dbc6d55c35
  • GitBenchmarkedAttempted.yml

This file is similar to DockerBenchmarkedAttempted.yml, but this file is used for Git hook. If you want to run benchmarking for a particular version of a triple store again in Git hook, remove that version's hash from this file.

Example file looks like below. Please neglect initialTempKickOffData, this is created by Basilisk to avoid yaml exception.

- tentris:
  - initialTempKickOffData
  - 96d06599a51aef6c4d8bff371533624b6613cd24
  - 3530ecd67c498deb82cd89bddca1c6e739383518
  - 1f31c3b8e7d7b40f6fb9cdd236feadd4e7987290
- fuseki:
  - initialTempKickOffData
  - 2100d70ac9e151b7e6087ba09302cca56178a359
  - 91d8671f130edce708a5af7d9fd5dfdb5462b4b5
  - bce91836c86a7eb61a198de606f1265441bfbac6
  - db794b97df9a28a021d994132dd9bbf929e59057

Basilisk run's statistics file

Once the Basilisk completes a benchmark process kicked off by the user, it creates a statistics file in runStat directory. This file contains the informations like counts and list of all triple stores, version, its hash and status.

Status can be :

  • Success
  • Fail
  • Already ran benchmark on this version

Iguana Configuration

The file iguanaConfig.ftl in the Basilisk's resource is a template used by the Basilisk during runtime to create an Iguana configuration file for each version. If you want to modify the Iguana configuration file then please update this template.

For example, If you want to run the Iguana for 1 minute, then modify the value of timeLimit in this file as shown below.

task0x.timeLimit = 60000   # Time in miliseconds


Basilisk is a web application to run the continuous benchmarking process on triple stores like Tentris, Virtuoso and Fuseki.







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