For the development of the prototype the following tech stack was selected:
Angular 8 - In Memory Web Api: An in-memory web API for Angular demos and tests that emulates CRUD operations over a RESTy API.
IndexedDB to persist the votes made and obtain them after reloading the page
Sass, Preprocessor to implement CSS structurally and optimally, for future growth the 7-1 pattern of Sass is proposed
Karma / Jasmine
- The Mobile-first strategy was used for responsive implementation to generate a scalable architecture at the design level
- Implementation of Flexbox in general and use of CSS Grid technique for the post list box
The architecture, in general, allows to maintain and scale the project in a simple way, dividing this into three main folders:
Shell: Main component where the header and footer are rendered and any component that you want to keep throughout the navigation
Shared: It will contain all the elements shared by the different modules of the platform, such as components, services, directives, etc.
Modules: They are the main modules (Pages) of the platform
npm install
npm run start
To carry out the unit tests, Jasmine was used as a practice to perform BDD and Karma as a test runner. Unit tests were carried out for the main modules, generating in total: 24 specs.
npm run test
👤 Luis Saraza
- Website:
- Github: @rankill
- LinkedIn: @luissaraza