The main goal of day 3 is to modify an LSTM tagger to an LSTM classifier. This will contribute to our ultimate goal of the week, which is to train a state-of-the-art binary sequence classifier for IMDB sentiment analysis.
This modification provides us with an intuitive understanding of transfer learning: If we had already trained a robust seq2seq model based on what we learned on day 1 and day 2, we could potentially reuse the same model architecture (and even trained weights) as a starting point for a sequence classification task, with just some minor changes in the output layer. Second, this exercise provides us with a deeper understanding of the LSTM architecture and how to manipulate the output.
In order to transform an LSTM tagger into an LSTM classifier, you only need changes in just 5 lines of code.
As we are training a binary classifier instead of a seq2seq model, the output size will be modified from the size of the sequence (tag_size) to 1 to accommodate a single probabilistic output:
# Before
model = LSTMClassifier(EMBEDDING_DIM, HIDDEN_DIM, len(word_to_ix), tag_size)
# After
model = LSTMClassifier(EMBEDDING_DIM, HIDDEN_DIM, len(word_to_ix), 1)
We will change our loss function from the multiclass CrossEntropyLoss to the binary BCEWithLogitsLoss:
# Before
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# After
loss_fn = nn.BCEWithlogitsLoss()
Please note that there are a couple of minor differences in the input requirement of CrossEntropyLoss vs BCEWithLogitsLoss: i. The input dimensions are a little different now; the dimensions for BCEWithLogitsLoss requires inputs and targets to have the same dimensions, while CrossEntropyLoss inputs take (N,C) and target takes (N). As our target shape is (n_samples, ), we use torch.squeeze to transform tag_scores from (n_samples, 1) to (n_samples, ):
# Before
tag_scores = self.hidden2tag(lstm_out.view(batch_size* seq_len, -1))
# After
tag_scores = self.hidden2tag(lstm_out_forward)
tag_scores_flat = torch.squeeze(tag_scores, 1)
ii. BCEWithLogitsLoss requires data format as float instead of long:
# Before
loss = loss_fn(ypred_batch, y_batch)
# After
loss = loss_fn(ypred_batch.float(), y_batch.float())
- So Why do we choose nn.BCEWithlogitloss(), instead of sticking to nn.CrossEntropyLoss()) and apply it to the binary class, since they are theoretical equivalent?*
The rationale is based on the difference in optimization process, even though they are mathematically equivalent. An intuitive argument is provided in this thread from nn.BCELossWithLogits results in a single output and requires sigmoid activation, whereas nn.CrossEntropyLoss results in two outputs and requires softmax activation:
nn.BCELossWithLogits activation:
nn.BCECrossEntropyLoss activation:
Therefore the latter requires twice as many parameters as the former in the activation layer, making the calculations more complex than necessary. For a more in-depth understanding and related derivations, you can check an excellent blog post provided by Lei Mao here.
Since we changed the loss function, we change the output transformation from softmax to sigmoid accordingly:
# Before:
tag_prob = torch.softmax(tag_scores)
# After:
tag_prob = torch.sigmoid(tag_scores)
We need to change the input to the linear layer, from including all the hidden state (batch_size, padded_seq_len, hidden_dim) to just the last non-padding hidden states (batch_size, hidden_dim). ((This is really important, if we just take the last element we will end up with the padding hidden state, which might distort the model))
# Before:
lstm_out, _ = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(lstm_out, batch_first=True, total_length=seq_len)
# After:
lstm_out, _ = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(lstm_out, batch_first=True, total_length=seq_len)
lstm_out_forward = lstm_out[torch.arange(batch_size), X_lengths - 1]
Target embedding was required for the seq2seq model, but not for binary sentiment classification:
# Before:
word_to_ix, tag_to_ix = seqs_to_dictionary(training_data)
# After:
word_to_ix = seqs_to_dictionary_v2(training_data)