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A utility tool that validates a project/micro-package for its leanness.


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Lean package validator

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The lean package validator is a utility tool that validates a project/micro-package for its leanness. A project/micro-package is considered lean when its common repository artifacts won't be included in release assets.


The lean package validator CLI can be installed globally through Composer.

composer global require stolt/lean-package-validator

Make sure that the path to your global vendor binaries directory is in your $PATH. You can determine the location of your global vendor binaries directory via composer global config bin-dir --absolute. This way the lean-package-validator executable can be located.

Since the default name of the CLI is quite a mouthful, an alias which can be placed in ~/.aliases, ~/.zshrc or the like might come in handy. The alias shown next assumes that $COMPOSER_HOME is ~/.config/composer and not ~/.composer.

alias lpv='~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/lean-package-validator $@'

The lean package validator also can be installed locally to a project which allows further utilisation via Composer scripts.

composer require --dev stolt/lean-package-validator

A third option to use the lean package validator is via cpx.

cpx stolt/lean-package-validator validate


As of release v1.9.0 it's also possible to install and use the lean package validator via a PHAR file.

Therefor download a released version e.g. v3.3.1 and move it to /usr/local/bin as shown next.

wget --quiet
mv lean-package-validator.phar /usr/local/bin/lean-package-validator


Run the lean package validator CLI within or against a project/micro-package directory, and it will validate the export-ignore entries present in a .gitattributes file against a set of common repository artifacts. If no .gitattributes file is present it will suggest to create one.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>]

Available options

The --enforce-strict-order option will enforce a strict order comparison of export-ignores in the .gitattributes file and fail validation if the order differs. Per default the order comparison is done in a non-strict fashion.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --enforce-strict-order

The --create|-c option creates an .gitattributes file if nonexistent.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --create

The --overwrite|-o option overwrites an existing .gitattributes file when there are any export-ignore entries missing. Using this option on a directory with a nonexistent .gitattributes file implicates the --create option.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --overwrite

The --glob-pattern option allows you to overwrite the default pattern used to match common repository artifacts. The amount of pattern in the grouping braces is expected to be >1. As shown next this utility could thereby also be used for projects (i.e. Python) outside the PHP ecosystem.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --glob-pattern '{.*,*.rst,*.py[cod],dist/}'

The default pattern is defined in the PHP preset file.

The --glob-pattern-file option allows you to load patterns, which should be used to match the common repository artifacts, from a given file. You can put a .lpv file in the repository which will be used per default and overwrite the default pattern. The structure of such a glob pattern file can be taken from the example directory or be created via lean-package-validator init.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --glob-pattern-file /path/to/glob-pattern-file

The --keep-license option will allow a license file in the release/dist archive file which is per default ommitted.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --keep-license

The --align-export-ignores|-a option will align the created or overwritten export-ignores for a better readability.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --align-export-ignores --create

The --enforce-alignment option will enforce a strict alignment of export-ignores in the .gitattributes file and fail validation if they aren't aligned. Per default no alignment is enforced.

The --validate-git-archive option will validate that no common repository artifacts slip into the release/dist archive file. It will do so by creating a temporary archive from the current Git HEAD and inspecting its content. With a set --keep-license option a license file becomes mandatory and will fail the archive validation if not present.

lean-package-validator validate [<directory>] --validate-git-archive

The --diff option will show a visual diff between the actual and expected .gitattributes content.

lean-package-validator validate --diff

The present .gitattributes file is considered invalid.

Would expect the following .gitattributes file content:
--- Original
+++ Expected
@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@
 .github/ export-ignore
 .gitignore export-ignore
 .gitmessage export-ignore
 .php-cs-fixer.php export-ignore
-.phpunit.result.cache export-ignore
+.idea/ export-ignore
 bin/application-version export-ignore
 bin/lean-package-validator.phar export-ignore
 bin/release-version export-ignore

The --report-stale-export-ignores option extends the validation to look for export-ignore statements referencing non-existent repository artifacts. In combination with the --diff option these will be shown in the output.

Additional commands

The init command will create an initial .lpv file with the default patterns used to match common repository artifacts.

lean-package-validator init [<directory>]

The --overwrite|-o option overwrites an existing .lpv file.

The --preset option allows to choose from a predefined set of glob pattern. Available presets are PHP, Python, and Go. With PHP being the default.

Utilisation via Composer scripts or it's dedicated GitHub Action

To avoid that changes coming from contributions or own modifications slip into release/dist archives it might be helpful to use a guarding Composer script, which will be available at everyone's fingertips.

By adding the following to the project/micro-package its composer.json the .gitattributes file can now be easily validated via composer validate-gitattributes.

    "scripts": {
        "validate-gitattributes": "lean-package-validator validate"

For utilising a dedicated GitHub Action have a look at the documentation over here.

Running tests

composer lpv:test


This library and its CLI are licensed under the MIT license. Please see for more details.


Please see for more details.


Please see for more details.