buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -euo pipefail -c # Include common diagnostic info\nconda info\nconda config --show-sources\nconda list --show-channel-urls\n\nconda update --all --yes\n\n# force newer fmt/spdlog into the environment... it's a direct dependency of mamba,\n# and therefore updating it in the base environment needs to be explicitly requested\n# TODO: remove this in 24.12\nconda install -y -n base \\\n \"fmt>=11.0.2,<12\" \\\n \"spdlog>=1.14.1,<1.15\"\n\n# Install RAPIDS\nconda install -y -n base \\\n \"rapids=${RAPIDS_VER}.*\" \\\n \"python=${PYTHON_VER}.*\" \\\n \"cuda-version=${CUDA_VER%.*}.*\" \\\n ipython\nconda clean -afy\n" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1