Migration to Core attribute management #1604
3 errors
PHPStan - P8.3 - L10 - prefer-dist - ubuntu-latest:
src/Traits/Helpers/BulkActionsHelpers.php (in context of class Rappasoft/LaravelLivewireTables/DataTableComponent)#L217
Method Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\DataTableComponent::getBulkActionsColumn() has no return type specified.
PHPStan - P8.3 - L10 - prefer-dist - ubuntu-latest:
src/Traits/Helpers/ReorderingHelpers.php (in context of class Rappasoft/LaravelLivewireTables/DataTableComponent)#L113
Method Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\DataTableComponent::getReorderColumn() has no return type specified.
PHPStan - P8.3 - L10 - prefer-dist - ubuntu-latest
Process completed with exit code 1.