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lrljoe authored Sep 21, 2024
1 parent bb005d0 commit a1268be
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Showing 20 changed files with 641 additions and 20 deletions.
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/ar.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,35 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "نعم",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "أنت الآن تختار الكل",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "أنت غير متصل بالإنترنت.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "قمت بتحديدها"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "قمت بتحديدها",
"All": "الجميع",
"All Columns": "كافة الأعمدة",
"Applied Filters": "المرشحات التطبيقية",
"Applied Sorting": "الفرز التطبيقي",
"Bulk Actions": "إجراءات جملة",
"Clear": "واضح",
"Columns": "الأعمدة",
"Debugging Values": "قيم التصحيح",
"Deselect All": "الغاء تحديد الكل",
"Done Reordering": "تمت إعادة الترتيب",
"Filters": "المرشحات",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "لا",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "لم يتم العثور على العناصر. حاول توسيع نطاق البحث.",
"of": "ل",
"Remove filter option": "إزالة خيار التصفية",
"Remove sort option": "إزالة خيار الفرز",
"Reorder": "إعادة ترتيب",
"results": "نتائج",
"row": "صف",
"rows": "صفوف",
"rows, do you want to select all": "الصفوف ، هل تريد تحديد الكل",
"Search": "يبحث",
"Select All": "اختر الكل",
"Showing": "عرض",
"to": "ل",
"Yes": "نعم",
"You are currently selecting all": "أنت الآن تختار الكل",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "أنت غير متصل بالإنترنت.",
"You have selected": "قمت بتحديدها"
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/ca.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,35 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Actualment està seleccionant tot",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "No està conectat a Internet.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Ha seleccionat"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Ha seleccionat",
"All": "Tot",
"All Columns": "Totes les columnes",
"Applied Filters": "Filtres Aplicats",
"Applied Sorting": "Ordenació Aplicada",
"Bulk Actions": "Accions Massives",
"Clear": "Esborra",
"Columns": "Columnes",
"Debugging Values": "Valors de depuració",
"Deselect All": "Deselecciona tot",
"Done Reordering": "Reordenació finalitzada",
"Filters": "Filtres",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "No",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "No s'han trobat elements. Intenti ampliar la cerca.",
"of": "de",
"Remove filter option": "Elimina opció de filtre",
"Remove sort option": "Elimina opció d'ordenació",
"Reorder": "Reordena",
"results": "resultats",
"row": "fila",
"rows": "files",
"rows, do you want to select all": "files, vol seleccionar totes",
"to": "a",
"Search": "Cerca",
"Select All": "Selecciona tot",
"Showing": "Mostrant",
"Yes": "",
"You are currently selecting all": "Actualment està seleccionant tot",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "No està conectat a Internet.",
"You have selected": "Ha seleccionat"
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/da.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,35 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "Ja",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Du vælger i øjeblikket alle",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "Du er ikke forbundet til internettet.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Du har valgt"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Du har valgt",
"All": "Alle",
"All Columns": "Alle kolonner",
"Applied Filters": "Anvendte filtre",
"Applied Sorting": "Anvendt sortering",
"Bulk Actions": "Massehandlinger",
"Clear": "Ryd",
"Columns": "Kolonner",
"Debugging Values": "Debugging-værdier",
"Deselect All": "Fravælg alle",
"Done Reordering": "Færdig med omorganisering",
"Filters": "Filtre",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "Nej",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "Ingen elementer fundet. Prøv at udvide din søgning.",
"of": "af",
"Remove filter option": "Fjern filtermulighed",
"Remove sort option": "Fjern sorteringsmulighed",
"Reorder": "Omorganisér",
"results": "resultater",
"row": "række",
"rows": "rækker",
"rows, do you want to select all": "rækker, vil du vælge alle",
"Search": "Søg",
"Select All": "Vælg alle",
"Showing": "Viser",
"to": "til",
"Yes": "Ja",
"You are currently selecting all": "Du vælger i øjeblikket alle",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "Du er ikke forbundet til internettet.",
"You have selected": "Du har valgt"
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,35 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "Ja",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Es sind schon alle ausgewählt",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "Es liegt keine Verbindung zum Internet vor.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Es sind ausgewählt"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Es sind ausgewählt",
"All": "Alle",
"All Columns": "Alle Spalten",
"Applied Filters": "Angewendete Filter",
"Applied Sorting": "Angewendete Sortierung",
"Bulk Actions": "Aktionen",
"Clear": "Zurücksetzen",
"Columns": "Spalten",
"Debugging Values": "Werte debuggen",
"Deselect All": "Alle abwählen",
"Done Reordering": "Sortieren abgeschlossen",
"Filters": "Filter",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "Nein",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "Es gibt keine Ergebnisse/Einträge. Versuche die Suche zu erweitern.",
"of": "von",
"Remove filter option": "Entferne Filterauswahl",
"Remove sort option": "Entferne Sortierauswahl",
"Reorder": "erneut Sortieren",
"results": "Ergebnisse",
"row": "Zeile",
"rows": "Zeilen",
"rows, do you want to select all": "Zeilen, sollen alle ausgewählt werden",
"Search": "Suche",
"Select All": "Alle auswählen",
"Showing": "Anzeigen",
"to": "nach",
"Yes": "Ja",
"You are currently selecting all": "Es sind schon alle ausgewählt",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "Es liegt keine Verbindung zum Internet vor.",
"You have selected": "Es sind ausgewählt"
36 changes: 35 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,5 +32,39 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "Yes",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "You are currently selecting all",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "You are not connected to the internet.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "You have selected"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "You have selected",
"All": "All",
"All Columns": "All Columns",
"Applied Filters": "Applied Filters",
"Applied Sorting": "Applied Sorting",
"Bulk Actions": "Bulk Actions",
"Bulk Actions Confirm": "Are you sure?",
"Clear": "Clear",
"Columns": "Columns",
"Debugging Values": "Debugging Values",
"Deselect All": "Deselect All",
"Done Reordering": "Done Reordering",
"Filters": "Filters",
"max": "Max",
"min": "Min",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "No",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "No items found. Try to broaden your search.",
"of": "of",
"Remove filter option": "Remove filter option",
"Remove sort option": "Remove sort option",
"Reorder": "Reorder",
"results": "results",
"row": "row",
"rows": "rows",
"rows, do you want to select all": "rows, do you want to select all",
"Search": "Search",
"Select All": "Select All",
"Select All On Page": "Select All On Page",
"Showing": "Showing",
"to": "to",
"Yes": "Yes",
"You are currently selecting all": "You are currently selecting all",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "You are not connected to the internet.",
"You have selected": "You have selected"
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,36 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Actualmente está seleccionando todo",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "No está conectado a Internet.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Ha seleccionado"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Ha seleccionado",
"All": "Todo",
"All Columns": "Todas las columnas",
"Applied Filters": "Filtros Aplicados",
"Applied Sorting": "Ordenamiento Aplicado",
"Bulk Actions": "Acciones Masivas",
"Clear": "Borrar",
"Columns": "Columnas",
"Debugging Values": "Valores de depuración",
"Deselect All": "Deseleccionar todo",
"Done Reordering": "Reordenación finalizada",
"Filters": "Filtros",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "No",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "No se encontraron elementos. Intente ampliar la búsqueda.",
"of": "de",
"Remove filter option": "Remover opción de filtro",
"Remove sort option": "Remover opción de ordenamineto",
"Reorder": "Reordenar",
"results": "resultados",
"row": "fila",
"rows": "filas",
"rows, do you want to select all": "filas, desea seleccionar todas",
"Search": "Buscar",
"Select All": "Seleccionar todo",
"Select All On Page": "Seleccionar todo en la página",
"Showing": "Mostrando",
"to": "a",
"Yes": "",
"You are currently selecting all": "Actualmente está seleccionando todo",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "No está conectado a Internet.",
"You have selected": "Ha seleccionado"
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/fr.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,35 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "Oui",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Vous êtes en train de sélectionner ",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "Vous n'êtes pas connecté à l'Internet.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Vous avez sélectionné"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Vous avez sélectionné",
"All": "Tous",
"All Columns": "Toutes les colonnes",
"Applied Filters": "Filtres appliqués",
"Applied Sorting": "Tris appliqués",
"Bulk Actions": "Actions en masse",
"Clear": "Effacer",
"Columns": "Colonnes",
"Debugging Values": "Valeurs de débogage",
"Deselect All": "Tout désélectionner ",
"Done Reordering": "Réordonnancement terminé",
"Filters": "Filtres",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "Non",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "Aucun élément trouvé. Essayez d'élargir votre recherche.",
"of": "sur",
"Remove filter option": "Supprimer l'option de filtrage",
"Remove sort option": "Supprimer l'option de tri",
"Reorder": "Réordonner",
"results": "résultats",
"row": "ligne",
"rows": "lignes",
"rows, do you want to select all": "lignes, voulez-vous tout sélectionner ?",
"Search": "Rechercher",
"Select All": "Tout sélectionner",
"Showing": "Montrant",
"to": "à",
"Yes": "Oui",
"You are currently selecting all": "Vous êtes en train de sélectionner ",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "Vous n'êtes pas connecté à l'Internet.",
"You have selected": "Vous avez sélectionné"
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/id.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,36 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "Ya",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Anda sedang memilih semua",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "Anda sedang tidak terhubung ke internet.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Anda telah memilih"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Anda telah memilih",
"All": "Semua",
"All Columns": "Semua Kolom",
"Applied Filters": "Filter Diterapkan",
"Applied Sorting": "Penyortiran Diterapkan",
"Bulk Actions": "Aksi",
"Clear": "Bersihkan",
"Columns": "Kolom",
"Debugging Values": "Nilai Debug",
"Deselect All": "Batalkan Semua Pilihan",
"Done Reordering": "Selesai Mengurutkan Ulang",
"Filters": "Filter",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "Tidak",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "Tidak ada data yang ditemukan. Cobalah untuk memperluas pencarian Anda.",
"of": "dari",
"Remove filter option": "Hapus opsi filter",
"Remove sort option": "Hapus opsi pengurutan",
"Reorder": "Urutkan ulang",
"results": "hasil",
"row": "baris",
"rows": "baris",
"rows, do you want to select all": "baris, apakah Anda ingin memilih semua?",
"Search": "Cari",
"Select All": "Pilih Semua",
"Showing": "Menampilkan",
"to": "ke",
"Yes": "Ya",
"You are currently selecting all": "Anda sedang memilih semua",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "Anda sedang tidak terhubung ke internet.",
"You have selected": "Anda telah memilih"

33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/it.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,36 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Stai selezionando tutto",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "Non sei connesso a internet",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Hai selezionato"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Hai selezionato",
"All": "Tutti",
"All Columns": "Tutte le colonne",
"Applied Filters": "Filtri Applicati",
"Applied Sorting": "Ordinamento Applicato",
"Bulk Actions": "Azioni di Gruppo",
"Clear": "Pulisci",
"Columns": "Colonne",
"Debugging Values": "Valori di debug",
"Deselect All": "Deseleziona tutto",
"Done Reordering": "Ordinamento Terminato",
"Filters": "Filtri",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "No",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "Nessun risultato trovato. Prova ad ampliare la tua ricerca.",
"of": "di",
"Remove filter option": "Rimuovi filtro",
"Remove sort option": "Rimuovi ordinamento",
"Reorder": "Riordina",
"results": "risultati",
"row": "righe",
"rows": "righe",
"rows, do you want to select all": "righe, vuoi selezionarle tutte",
"Search": "Cerca",
"Select All": "Seleziona Tutto",
"Showing": "Visualizzati",
"to": "a",
"Yes": "",
"You are currently selecting all": "Stai selezionando tutto",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "Non sei connesso a internet",
"You have selected": "Hai selezionato"

32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion resources/lang/ms.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,35 @@
"livewire-tables::Yes": "ya",
"livewire-tables::You are currently selecting all": "Anda sedang memilih semua",
"livewire-tables::You are not connected to the internet.": "Anda tidak disambungkan ke internet.",
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Anda telah memilih"
"livewire-tables::You have selected": "Anda telah memilih",
"All": "Semua",
"All Columns": "Semua Lajur",
"Applied Filters": "Tapisan Digunakan",
"Applied Sorting": "Susunan Digunakan",
"Bulk Actions": "Tindakan Pukal",
"Clear": "Kosongkan",
"Columns": "Kolum",
"Debugging Values": "Menyahpepijat Nilai",
"Deselect All": "Nyahpilih semua",
"Done Reordering": "Selesai Menyusun Semula",
"Filters": "Tapisan",
"not_applicable": "N/A",
"No": "Tidak",
"No items found. Try to broaden your search.": "Tiada data ditemui. Sila perluaskan carian anda",
"of": "daripada",
"Remove filter option": "Keluarkan pilihan tapisan",
"Remove sort option": "Keluarkan pilihan sususan",
"Reorder": "menyusun semula",
"results": "keputusan",
"row": "barisan",
"rows": "barisan",
"rows, do you want to select all": "barisan, adakah anda mahu pilih semua?",
"Search": "Carian",
"Select All": "Pilih Semua",
"Showing": "Menunjukkan",
"to": "ke",
"Yes": "ya",
"You are currently selecting all": "Anda sedang memilih semua",
"You are not connected to the internet.": "Anda tidak disambungkan ke internet.",
"You have selected": "Anda telah memilih"

0 comments on commit a1268be

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