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RAS Docker Workspace

RAS Docker is the main workspace where two applications, robot and server, can be worked with seamlessly. This document provides an overview of its setup and usage.

Currently Ubuntu is officially supported distro for RAS

Prequisites to use RAS

Before using RAS, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed:

  1. Vcstool - A command-line tool for managing multiple repositories in ROS2 workspaces.
python3 -m pip install vcstool
  1. Docker-CE - The community edition of Docker for containerized application management and Nvidia Container Toolkit if device has Nvidia GPU.
  1. Argcomplete - A Python package that provides tab completion for command-line programs.
sudo apt install python3-argcomplete
  1. Git - A version control system used for tracking changes in source code.
sudo apt install git

1. Clone the Repository

git clone --recursive

RAS Docker Interface (RAS)

RAS Docker includes a command-line utility called RDI (RAS Docker Interface), implemented in ras_docker package under the scripts directory.

2. Source the Environment File

source ./ras_docker/

3. Check Available Commands

To see the available RDI commands, run:

ras -h

Directory Structure

apps Directory

The apps directory houses the two applications, server and robot, which are Docker containers built using the Docker images located in the context directory.

context Directory

The context directory contains the Docker images used to build the applications:

  1. Dockerfile.base: Based on the humble-desktop-full image, it installs dependencies common to both applications (e.g., python3-pip).
  2. Dockerfile.server: Extends Dockerfile.base and adds dependencies specific to the server application (e.g., ignition-fortress).
  3. Dockerfile.robot: Extends Dockerfile.base and adds dependencies specific to the robot application.

4. Check App-Specific Commands

To see commands specific to an application (e.g., server):

ras server -h

Working with the Server Application

5. Initialize Server

ras server init

This creates a ras_server_app directory under the apps folder.

6. Build the Docker Image for the Server App

ras server build

7. Build the ROS 2 Workspace

ras server build

This builds the src folder inside the ros2_ws directory present in ras_server_app.

8. Run the Server Lab

ras server run

This starts the container and executes the code defined in the file within ras_server_app.

9. Hack into the container

ras server dev

Login to the container, explore and hack your way into the application.