This tools allow to create an nvprof profile or add tasks to an exinsing one. The timing informations are provided in a CSV file in the following way:
Task name, task group, thread id where the task starts, start timestamp (nanoseconds), thread id where the task ends, end timestamp (nanoseconds)
usage: python3 [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--rank RANK]
[--color-dict-filename COLOR_DICT_FILENAME]
[--combine-threads COMBINE_THREADS]
positional arguments:
filename name of the csv profile (input file)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
The name of the nvprof profile to be created or
modified (Default: filename with extension changed to
--rank RANK, -r RANK MPI rank number (default: 0)
the json file containing the dictionaries
"task_colors" and "task_group_colors" (Default:
./task_color.json). If this file doeas not exist a
warning message is displayed and the default color is
used for all the tasks.
Combine threads in the profile to have a better view
- If the output file exists the tasks are added to the existing file, therefore tasks are added twice if this script is executed twice.
- The MPI ranks has to be specified to allow the "multiple processes" import option of nvvp to open multiple profiles and to display them in the same window.
- The task color is determined in the following order:
- Match any of the entry of task_colors with the beginning of the task name. (E.g. Task "TaskName_1" would match with a possible entry "Task" of the task_colors dictionary)
- Match any of the entry of task_group_colors with the beginning of the group name.
- Default color (nvvp display them in green).
can be compiled with a C++14 compiler. An example of output and profiles generated can be found in example_output
The profiles were generated with:
example_output>>> python3 ../scripts/ output_file.csv
example_output>>> python3 ../scripts/ -C 1 -o output_file_combined.nvprof output_file.csv