This code is a TypeScript clone of Samer Bunas React game memory-challenge.
You can find Samer's original JavaScript code in branch javascript
. The TypeScript code is in branch master
- This codes location:
- A step-by-step React Function Component TypeScript clone of Samers game
- Try the game
- From 2019 book Syncfusion Free Ebooks | React Succinctly
- Samers Code:
- P.076: Chapter 5 Let’s Build a Game
- P.080: Step1 Initial markup and style
- P.082: Step2 Extracting components
- P.086: Step3 Making the grid dynamic
- P.086: Designing data and state elements
- P.088: Using ENUMs
- P.095: Step4 Wrapping stateful components
- P.097: Step5 Determining what to make stateful
- P.097: Completing the UI as a function of state
- P.103: Step6 Using mock state values
- P.103: Implementing behaviors to change the state
- P.107: Step7 Using a timeout side effect
- P.111: Step8 Using side effects to separate concerns
- P.112: Step9 Resetting a React component
- P.115: Step10 Controlling state initial value with a prop
- P.116: Step11 Final: Using custom Hooks
- Learn:
- React Function Components:
- React TypeScript:
- Beginner Programmers Mistakes :: The Professional Programmer
- The 2016 Book - using React Classes:
The starter template is CreateReactApp using Ionic components for nice mobile experience.
npm install -g ionic
ionic start my-app
# Choose
# - Framework: React
# - Template: SideMenu
cd my-app
npm start
The End